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Sales and Trends reports availability
Sales and Trends estimates the USD amount of sales and proceeds on the App Store based on a rolling average of the previous month's exchange rates. Learn more.
Sales and Trends reports are available to download at the following times:
Daily reports are available the following day.
Weekly reports are available on Mondays.
Monthly reports are available five days after the end of the month.
Yearly reports are available six days after the end of the year.
Reports are generally available by 8 a.m. Pacific Time (PT).
Note: Daily, weekly, and monthly reports are saved for one year after they become available. Yearly reports are saved for ten years after they become available. We don’t store or regenerate reports for download after these time periods expire.
Name |
Frequency |
Availability/Access |
Versions |
Summary Sales |
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly |
At least one app unit sold. |
1_0 |
Sales Events |
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly |
At least one app or in-app purchase with 10,000 units sold, or $10,000 USD in sales. |
1_1 |
Subscription |
Daily |
At least one auto-renewable subscription sold, including introductory prices. |
1_3 |
Subscription Event |
Daily |
At least one auto-renewable subscription sold, including introductory prices. |
1_3 |
Subscriber |
Daily |
At least one auto-renewable subscription sold, including introductory prices. |
1_3 |
Pre-Order |
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly |
At least one pre-ordered item. |
1_1 |
Subscription Offer Code Redemption Report |
Daily |
At least one redemption |
1_0 |