Documentation Archive


Markup Formatting Reference


Treat the following character as a plain charactere instead of a markup delimiter.

Works with:

  • ✓ Playgrounds

  • ✓ Symbol documentation

Syntax and Examples

Display a special character by preceding it with a backslash (\).

  • \special character

Use the backslash to display a special character in the following cases.

  • The special character is first character of a playground line formatting delimiter.

    For example, to display a single-line delimiter inside of a line delimiter, precede the colon (:) with a backslash. The colon is the first special character of the single-line delimiter.

    1. //: //\: This is how to write a single line of playground markup
    image: Art/MFR_escape_pg_eg_2_2x.png
  • The special character is the first character of a playground multiline formatting delimiter.

    For example, to display an asterisk (*) at the start of a line instead of a bullet point, precede the asterisk with a backslash.

    1. //: \* This is not a bullet item
    2. //: * This is a bullet item
    image: Art/MFR_escape_pg_eg_1_2x.png
  • The special character is the first character of a Quick Help delimiter.

    For example, to display an asterisk (*) at the start of a line instead of a bullet point, precede the asterisk with a backslash.

    1. /**
    2. A simple example of using *display delimiter*
    3. Do not show the first line as a bullet item
    4. \* This is not a bullet item
    5. * This is a bullet item
    6. */
    image: ../Art/MFR_symbol_display_delimiter1_2x.png
  • The character is an inline delimiter that appears at the start or end of a different character.

    For example, the following markup code displays an asterisk (*) with emphasis. Asterisks are normally used as the delimiter for a range of characters displayed with emphasis.

    Playground Example

    1. //: Show the *middle asterisk\* with emphasis*
    image: Art/MFR_escape_pg_eg_3_2x.png

    Quick Help Example

    1. /**
    2. Display a special character with formatting
    3. Show the *middle asterisk\* with emphasis*
    4. */
    image: ../Art/MFR_symbol_display_delimiter2_2x.png
  • To override the effects of a newline such as text wrapping or creating paragraphs.

    The following markup shows escaping a the effect of a newline in a playground.

    1. /*:
    2.  These two lines
    3.  wrap
    4.  These two lines\
    5.  do not
    6. */
    image: Art/MFR_escape_newlines_eg_2x.png

You do not need to use the backslash with special characters inside a code block or backquote delimited code.