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Markup Formatting Reference

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Display a line of text formatted as a heading.

Works with:

  • ✓ Playgrounds

  • ✓ Symbol documentation


Use number signs (#) to specify up to three levels of heading. There is at least one space between the number sign and the title string.

  • # Heading 1 String
  • ## Heading 2 String
  • ### Heading 3 String

Alternatively, create level 1 and level 2 headings with an underline string.

  • Heading 1 String
  • =…

Underline heading 1 text with at least one equals sign (=).

  • Heading 2 String
  • -…

Underline heading 2 text with at least one equals sign ().

Example 1

Create a heading using a number sign.

Playground Markup

  1. //: ## Level 2 Heading Using Number Signs (`#`)
image: ../Art/MFR_heading_eg_1_2x.png

Quick Help Markup

  1. /**
  2.  An example of using a number sign (`#`) for a *heading*
  3.  ## This is a Heading 2
  4. */
image: ../Art/MFR_symbol_heading1_2x.png

Example 2

Create a heading using the equals sign for level 1, or the hyphen for sign for level 2. This example uses the same number of equal signs the number of characters in the heading string. Only one equals sign is required.

Playground Markup

  1. //: Level 1 Heading Using Equals Sign ('=')
  2. //: =
image: ../Art/MFR_heading_eg_2_2x.png

Quick Help Markup

  1. /**
  2.  An example of using a character underline for a *heading*
  3.  This is a Heading 1
  4.  ===================
  5. */
image: ../Art/MFR_symbol_heading2_2x.png