Editorial guidelines

Referring to Siri and using Hey Siri

Don’t refer to Siri using pronouns such as “she,” “him,” or “her.” Ideally, just use the word Siri. For example, After you add a shortcut to Siri, you can run the shortcut anytime by asking Siri.

Use correct capitalization and punctuation when using the term Hey Siri. Hey Siri is two words, italicized or in quotes, with an uppercase H and uppercase S. Do not follow the term with an ellipsis.

Example text
White check in a green circle to indicate correct usage. Say Hey Siri to activate Siri.
White check in a green circle to indicate correct usage. Say "Hey Siri" to activate Siri.
White X in a gray circle to indicate incorrect usage. Say Hey Siri… to activate Siri.
White X in a gray circle to indicate incorrect usage. Say "hey Siri" to activate Siri.

In a localized context, translate only the word Hey in the phrase Hey Siri. As an Apple trademark, Siri is never translated. Here is a list of acceptable translations for the phrase Hey Siri:

Locale code Hey Siri translation Locale code Hey Siri translation
ar_AE يا Siri fr_CA Dis Siri
ar_SA يا Siri fr_CH Dis Siri
da_DK Hej Siri fr_FR Dis Siri
de_AT Hey Siri it_CH Ehi Siri
de_CH Hey Siri it_IT Ehi Siri
de_DE Hey Siri ja_JP Hey Siri
en_AU Hey Siri ko_KR Siri야
en_CA Hey Siri ms_MY Hai Siri
en_GB Hey Siri nb_NO Hei Siri
en_IE Hey Siri nl_BE Hé, Siri
en_IN Hey Siri nl_NL Hé Siri
en_NZ Hey Siri no_NO Hei Siri
en_SG Hey Siri pt_BR E aí Siri
en_US Hey Siri ru_RU привет Siri
en_ZA Hey Siri sv_SE Hej Siri
es_CL Oye Siri th_TH หวัดดี Siri
es_ES Oye Siri tr_TR Hey Siri
es_MX Oye Siri zh_CN 嘿Siri
es_US Oye Siri zh_HK 喂 Siri
fi_FI Hei Siri zh_TW 嘿 Siri
fr_BE Dis Siri

Referring to Shortcuts

When referring to the Shortcuts feature or app, always typeset with a capital S and make sure that Shortcuts is plural. For example, MyApp integrates with Shortcuts to provide a quick way to get things with just a tap or by asking Siri.

When referring to individual shortcuts (that is, not the feature or the Shortcuts app), use lower case. For example, Run a shortcut by asking Siri or tapping a suggestion on the Lock Screen.

Use the right terminology when describing how people can use Shortcuts in your app. People run shortcuts by asking Siri, so your wording should be very similar to phrases like Run a shortcut by asking Siri or Run the shortcut by asking Siri with your personalized phrase (localized as appropriate). Avoid using phrases like add voice shortcuts, make a voice command, create a voice prompt, or any other variation. Instead, consider a phrase like Add a shortcut to Siri to run with your voice (localized as appropriate).

To encourage people to create or use shortcuts in ways other than voice — such as for automations, Home Screen shortcuts, and other methods — use a phrase that doesn't specify a particular method, like For quick access, add to Shortcuts.

NOTE Use translations of your app name and the word Shortcuts — but not Siri — when referring to them in a localized context.

Referring to Apple products

Adhere to Apple’s trademark guidelines. Apple trademarks should not appear in your app name or imagery. In text, use Apple product names exactly as shown on the Apple Trademark List.

  • Use Apple product names in singular form only; do not make Apple product names possessive.
  • Do not translate Apple, Siri, or any other Apple trademark.
  • Do not use category descriptors. For example, say iPad, not tablet.
  • Do not indicate any kind of sponsorship, partnership, or endorsement from Apple.
  • Attribute Apple, Siri, and all other Apple trademarks with the correct credit lines wherever legal information appears within your app.
  • Refer to Apple devices and operating systems only in technical specifications or compatibility descriptions.

See Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks.

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