Apple Entrepreneur Camp

A one-on-one technology lab for underrepresented founders and developers with app-driven businesses.

We believe apps for everyone should be made by everyone.

Research shows that founders from underrepresented communities face unique challenges, especially when starting and leading technology companies. We created Apple Entrepreneur Camp with the goal of supporting these founders and their organizations as they build the next generation of cutting-edge apps and to form a global network that encourages the pipeline and longevity of underrepresented founders and developers in technology.

Entrepreneur Camp offers cohorts for founders and developers who are female*, Black, Hispanic/Latinx, or Indigenous and have app-driven businesses with one of the following:

  • An existing app on the App Store
  • A functional beta build in TestFlight
  • An app in an equivalent state

The Camp experience begins with an immersive technology lab, where you’ll receive one-on-one code-level guidance from Apple experts and engineers to help you improve your app, as well as mentorship, inspiration, and insights from top Apple leaders. After the lab concludes, you’ll get ongoing support and become part of a growing community of other exceptional alumni who can help you build your business.

Unprecedented access to Apple engineers and leaders

The heart of Apple Entrepreneur Camp is an intensive technology lab, where you’ll work one on one with Apple experts and engineers to significantly accelerate your app. You’ll also hear from Apple executives and have the opportunity to form relationships with your fellow attendees. At the conclusion of the lab, you’ll present your progress, get feedback, and chat with some of Apple’s most senior leaders.

1 year free membership

Membership in the Apple Developer Program allows you to submit your apps to the App Store and includes access to beta software, advanced app capabilities, extensive beta testing tools, and app analytics. It also includes the opportunity to get code-level support from Apple engineers during the membership year.

Exceptional community

You’ll interact with world-class senior leaders and your cohort peers who can help you build your business and personal network. You’ll also get exclusive access to Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni events and opportunities for peer-to-peer mentoring for your cohort, as well as your extended network of Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni.

Ongoing support

You’ll establish an ongoing relationship with an Apple Developer representative who is an expert on the developer ecosystem and can help guide you through Apple resources for at least one year after your time at Camp.

Applying for Apple Entrepreneur Camp

Get details on eligibility requirements and the application process.

How to apply

Apps from alumni

Apple Entrepreneur Camp alumni have created over 90 apps currently available on the App Store. Learn about some of their apps and the inspiration behind them.

View the apps

Camp alumni featured in Newsroom