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ext/mt_allocator.h |
Includes: | <new> <cstdlib> <bits/functexcept.h> <bits/gthr.h> <bits/atomicity.h> <new> <cstdlib> <bits/functexcept.h> <bits/gthr.h> <bits/atomicity.h> |
This file is a GNU extension to the Standard C++ Library.
operator rebind |
template<typename _Tp, typename _Poolp = __common_pool_policy<__pool, __thread_default> > class __mt_alloc : public __mt_alloc_base<_Tp> { public: typedef size_t size_type; typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef _Tp* pointer; typedef const _Tp* const_pointer; typedef _Tp& reference; typedef const _Tp& const_reference; typedef _Tp value_type; typedef _Poolp __policy_type; typedef typename _Poolp::pool_type __pool_type; template<typename _Tp1, typename _Poolp1 = _Poolp> struct rebind { typedef typename _Poolp1::template _M_rebind<_Tp1>::other pol_type; typedef __mt_alloc<_Tp1, pol_type> other; }; __mt_alloc() throw() { __policy_type::_S_get_pool(); } __mt_alloc( const __mt_alloc&) throw() { __policy_type::_S_get_pool(); } template<typename _Tp1, typename _Poolp1> __mt_alloc( const __mt_alloc<_Tp1, _Poolp1>& obj) throw() { __policy_type::_S_get_pool(); } ~__mt_alloc() throw() { } pointer allocate( size_type __n, const void* = 0); void deallocate( pointer __p, size_type __n); const __pool_base::_Tune _M_get_options() { // Return a copy, not a reference, for external consumption. return __policy_type::_S_get_pool()._M_get_options(); } void _M_set_options(__pool_base::_Tune __t) { __policy_type::_S_get_pool()._M_set_options( __t); } }; template<typename _Tp, typename _Poolp> typename __mt_alloc<_Tp, _Poolp>::pointer __mt_alloc<_Tp, _Poolp>:: allocate(size_type __n, const void*) { if ( __builtin_expect( __n > this->max_size(), false)) std::__throw_bad_alloc(); __policy_type::_S_initialize_once(); // Requests larger than _M_max_bytes are handled by operator // new/delete directly. __pool_type& __pool = __policy_type::_S_get_pool(); const size_t __bytes = __n * sizeof( _Tp); if (__pool._M_check_threshold( __bytes)) { void* __ret = ::operator new( __bytes); return static_cast<_Tp*>( __ret); } // Round up to power of 2 and figure out which bin to use. const size_t __which = __pool._M_get_binmap( __bytes); const size_t __thread_id = __pool._M_get_thread_id(); // Find out if we have blocks on our freelist. If so, go ahead // and use them directly without having to lock anything. char* __c; typedef typename __pool_type::_Bin_record _Bin_record; const _Bin_record& __bin = __pool._M_get_bin( __which); if ( __bin._M_first[__thread_id])
@brief This is a fixed size (power of 2) allocator which - when
compiled with thread support - will maintain one freelist per
size per thread plus a "global" one. Steps are taken to limit
the per thread freelist sizes (by returning excess back to
the "global" list).
Further details: