
 Copyright (C) 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 This is the completion of the slide entity from our Core Data model. We needed to create a class in order for our entity to return CGRect data. We accomplish this by using the methods in "Core Data Programming Guide: Non-Standard Persistent Attributes"
#import "LTSlide.h"
@implementation LTSlide
// We need to @synthetize the iVars for value properties.
@synthesize frame = ivar_frame;
@synthesize photoFrame = ivar_photoFrame;
// Cribbed from "Core Data Programming Guide"
- (CGRect)_rectForIvar:(CGRect *)pIvarRect forKey:(NSString *)key {
    [self willAccessValueForKey:key];
    CGRect rect = *pIvarRect;
    [self didAccessValueForKey:key];
    if(rect.size.width == 0.0) {
        NSString *rectAsString = [self valueForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@AsString", key]];
        if(rectAsString != nil) {
            *pIvarRect = NSRectToCGRect(NSRectFromString(rectAsString));
    return *pIvarRect;
- (void)awakeFromInsert
    [super awakeFromInsert];
    ivar_frame = CGRectZero;
    ivar_photoFrame = CGRectZero;
- (void)_setRect:(CGRect)rect forIvar:(CGRect *)pIvarRect forKey:(NSString *)key {
    [self willChangeValueForKey:key];
    *pIvarRect = rect;
    [self didChangeValueForKey:key];
    NSString *rectAsString = NSStringFromRect(NSRectFromCGRect(*pIvarRect));
    [self setValue:rectAsString forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@AsString", key]];
- (CGRect)frame {
    return [self _rectForIvar:&ivar_frame forKey:@"frame"];
- (void)setFrame:(CGRect)rect {
    [self _setRect:rect forIvar:&ivar_frame forKey:@"frame"];
- (CGRect)photoFrame {
    return [self _rectForIvar:&ivar_photoFrame forKey:@"photoFrame"];
- (void)setPhotoFrame:(CGRect)rect {
    [self _setRect:rect forIvar:&ivar_photoFrame forKey:@"photoFrame"];
- (void)setNilValueForKey:(NSString *)key {
    if([key isEqualToString:@"frame"]) {
        [self _setRect:CGRectZero forIvar:&ivar_frame forKey:@"frame"];
    if([key isEqualToString:@"photoFrame"]) {
        [self _setRect:CGRectZero forIvar:&ivar_photoFrame forKey:@"photoFrame"];
    [super setNilValueForKey:key];