# DatePicker
## Description
DatePicker is a Cocoa sample application that demonstrates how to use NSDatePicker control on macOS.
NSDatePicker is a subclass of NSControl that provides for visually displaying and editing an NSDate instance.
DatePicker shows how to manipulate the behaviors of NSDatePicker in the following ways:
1. Changing the picker style.
2. Changing the picker font size.
3. Changing the background/text color as well as other appearance aspects.
4. Turning on and off the various date and time element flags.
5. Setting the minimum and maximum dates.
6. Overriding the set date as a delegate.
7. Shows how to use the various date and time formats on NSTextFields using the NSDateFormatter class.
8. Shows a gallery of date pickers in various configurations (bordered/bezeled).
9. Shows how you can read world time zones and set individual clocks to them.
## Requirements
### Build Requirements
macOS SDK 10.13 or later
### Runtime Requirements
Mac OS X 10.10 or later
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