
    File:       Client.c
    Contains:   Client showing integration of CFSockets and UNIX domain sockets.
    Written by: DTS
    Copyright:  Copyright (c) 2005 by Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
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    Change History (most recent first):
$Log: Client.c,v $
Revision 1.2  2005/05/18 13:36:28  eskimo1
Fixed various documentation/comment changes.
Revision 1.1  2005/05/17 12:19:13  eskimo1
First checked in.
// System interfaces
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <signal.h>
// Project interfaces
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "Common.h"
#pragma mark ***** Connection Abstraction
// A ConnectionRef represents a connection from the client to the server. 
// The internals of this are opaque to external callers.  All operations on 
// a connection are done via the routines in this section.
enum {
    kConnectionStateMagic = 'LCCM'           // Local Client Connection Magic
typedef struct ConnectionState *  ConnectionRef;
    // Pseudo-opaque reference to the connection.
typedef Boolean (*ConnectionCallbackProcPtr)(
    ConnectionRef           conn, 
    const PacketHeader *    packet, 
    void *                  refCon
    // When the client enables listening on a connection, it supplies a 
    // function of this type as a callback.  We call this function in 
    // the context of the runloop specified by the client when they enable 
    // listening.
    // conn is a reference to the connection.  It will not be NULL.
    // packet is a pointer to the packet that arrived, or NULL if we've 
    // detected that the connection to the server is broken.
    // refCon is a value that the client specified when it registered this 
    // callback.
    // If the server sends you a bad packet, you can return false to 
    // tell the connection management system to shut down the connection.
// ConnectionState is the structure used to track a single connection to 
// the server.  All fields after fSockFD are only relevant if the client 
// has enabled listening.
struct ConnectionState {
    OSType                      fMagic;             // kConnectionStateMagic
    int                         fSockFD;            // UNIX domain socket to server
    CFSocketRef                 fSockCF;            // CFSocket wrapper for the above
    CFRunLoopSourceRef          fRunLoopSource;     // runloop source for the above
    CFMutableDataRef            fBufferedPackets;   // buffer for incomplete packet data
    ConnectionCallbackProcPtr   fCallback;          // client's packet callback
    void *                      fCallbackRefCon;    // refCon for the above.
// Forward declarations.  See the comments associated with the function definition.
static void ConnectionShutdown(ConnectionRef conn);
static void ConnectionCloseInternal(ConnectionRef conn, Boolean sayGoodbye);
static int ConnectionOpen(ConnectionRef *connPtr)
    // Opens a connection to the server.
    // On entry, connPtr must not be NULL
    // On entry, *connPtr must be NULL
    // Returns an errno-style error code
    // On success, *connPtr will not be NULL
    // On error, *connPtr will be NULL
    int                 err;
    ConnectionRef       conn;
    Boolean             sayGoodbye;
    assert( connPtr != NULL);
    assert(*connPtr == NULL);
    sayGoodbye = false;
    // Allocate a ConnectionState structure and fill out some basic fields.
    err = 0;
    conn = (ConnectionRef) calloc(1, sizeof(*conn));
    if (conn == NULL) {
        err = ENOMEM;
    if (err == 0) {
        conn->fMagic  = kConnectionStateMagic;
        // For clean up to work properly, we must make sure that, if 
        // the connection record is allocated successfully, we always 
        // set fSockFD to -1.  So, while the following line is redundant 
        // in the current code, it's present to press home this point.
        conn->fSockFD = -1;
    // Create a UNIX domain socket and connect to the server. 
    if (err == 0) {
        conn->fSockFD = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
        err = MoreUNIXErrno(conn->fSockFD);
    if (err == 0) {
        struct sockaddr_un connReq;
        connReq.sun_len    = sizeof(connReq);
        connReq.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
        strcpy(connReq.sun_path, kServerSocketPath);
        err = connect(conn->fSockFD, (struct sockaddr *) &connReq, SUN_LEN(&connReq));
        err = MoreUNIXErrno(err);
        sayGoodbye = (err == 0);
    // Clean up.
    if (err != 0) {
        ConnectionCloseInternal(conn, sayGoodbye);
        conn = NULL;
    *connPtr = conn;
    assert( (err == 0) == (*connPtr != NULL) );
    return err;
static int ConnectionSend(ConnectionRef conn, const PacketHeader *packet)
    // Send a packet to the server.  Use this when you're not expecting a 
    // reply.
    // conn must be a valid connection
    // packet must be a valid, ready-to-send, packet
    // Returns an errno-style error code
    int     err;
    assert(conn != NULL);
    assert(conn->fSockFD != -1);            // connection must not be shut down
    // conn->fSockCF may or may not be NULL; it's OK to send a packet when listening 
    // because there's no reply; OTOH, you can't do an RPC while listening because 
    // an unsolicited packet might get mixed up with the RPC reply.
    assert(packet != NULL);
    assert(packet->fMagic == kPacketMagic);
    assert(packet->fSize >= sizeof(PacketHeader));
    // Simply send the packet down the socket.
    err = MoreUNIXWrite(conn->fSockFD, packet, packet->fSize, NULL);
    return err;
static int ConnectionRPC(
    ConnectionRef           conn, 
    const PacketHeader *    request, 
    PacketHeader *          reply, 
    size_t                  replySize
    // Perform an RPC (Remote Procedure Call) with the server.  That is, send 
    // the server a packet and wait for a reply.  You can only use this on 
    // connections that are not in listening mode.
    // conn must be a valid connection
    // packet must be a valid, ready-to-send, packet
    // reply and replySize specify a buffer where the reply packet is placed;
    // reply size must not be NULL; replySize must not be less that the 
    // packet header size (sizeof(PacketHeader)); if the reply packet is bigger 
    // than replySize, the data that won't fit is discarded; you can detect this 
    // by looking at reply->fSize
    // Returns an errno-style error code
    // On success, the buffer specified by reply and replySize will contain the 
    // reply packet; on error, the contents of that buffer is invalid; also, 
    // if this routine errors the connection is no longer useful (conn is still 
    // valid, but you can't use it to transmit any more data)
    int     err;
    assert(conn != NULL);
    assert(conn->fSockFD != -1);            // connection must not be shut down
    assert(conn->fSockCF == NULL);          // RPC and listening are mutually exclusive
                                            // because unsolicited packet might get mixed up 
                                            // with the reply
    assert(request != NULL);
    assert(request->fMagic == kPacketMagic);
    assert(request->fSize >= sizeof(PacketHeader));
    assert(reply != NULL);
    assert(replySize >= sizeof(PacketHeader));
    // Send the request.
    err = ConnectionSend(conn, request);
    // Read and validate the reply header.
    if (err == 0) {
        err = MoreUNIXRead(conn->fSockFD, reply, sizeof(PacketHeader), NULL);
    if ( (err == 0) && (reply->fMagic != kPacketMagic) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionRPC: Bad magic (%.4s).\n", (char *) &reply->fMagic);
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && (reply->fType != kPacketTypeReply) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionRPC: Type wrong (%.4s).\n", (char *) &reply->fType);
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && (reply->fID != request->fID) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionRPC: ID mismatch (%" PRId32 ").\n", reply->fID);
        err = EINVAL;
    if ( (err == 0) && ( (reply->fSize < sizeof(PacketHeader)) || (reply->fSize > kPacketMaximumSize) ) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionRPC: Bogus packet size (%" PRIu32 ").\n", reply->fSize);
        err = EINVAL;
    // Read the packet payload that will fit in the reply buffer.
    if ( (err == 0) && (reply->fSize > sizeof(PacketHeader)) ) {
        uint32_t  payloadToRead;
        if (reply->fSize > replySize) {
            payloadToRead = replySize;
        } else {
            payloadToRead = reply->fSize;
        payloadToRead -= sizeof(PacketHeader);
        err = MoreUNIXRead(conn->fSockFD, ((char *) reply) + sizeof(PacketHeader), payloadToRead, NULL);
    // Discard any remaining packet payload that will fit in the reply buffer.
    // The addition check in the next line is necessary to avoid the undefined behaviour 
    // of malloc(0) in the dependent block.
    if ( (err == 0) && (reply->fSize > replySize) ) {
        uint32_t    payloadToJunk;
        void *      junkBuf;
        payloadToJunk = reply->fSize - replySize;
        junkBuf = malloc(payloadToJunk);
        if (junkBuf == NULL) {
            err = ENOMEM;
        if (err == 0) { 
            err = MoreUNIXRead(conn->fSockFD, junkBuf, payloadToJunk, NULL);
    // Any errors cause us to immediately shut down our connection because we 
    // we're no longer sure of the state of the channel (that is, did we leave 
    // half a packet stuck in the pipe).
    if (err != 0) {
    return err;
static void ConnectionGotData(
    CFSocketRef             s, 
    CFSocketCallBackType    type, 
    CFDataRef               address, 
    const void *            data, 
    void *                  info
    // This is a a CFSocket callback indicating that data has arrived on the 
    // socket.  It's only called if the user has registered the associated 
    // connection for listening.  The parameter are as per the CFSocket 
    // documentation.  As this is a callback of type kCFSocketDataCallBack, 
    // data contains newly arrived data that CFSocket has already read for us.
    #pragma unused(address)
    CFDataRef       newData;
    ConnectionRef   conn;
    assert(s != NULL);
    assert(type == kCFSocketDataCallBack);
    // Cast data to a CFDataRef, newData.
    newData = (CFDataRef) data;
    assert(newData != NULL);
    assert( CFGetTypeID(newData) == CFDataGetTypeID() );
    // Cast info to a ConnectionRef.
    conn = (ConnectionRef) info;
    assert(conn->fMagic == kConnectionStateMagic);
    if ( CFDataGetLength(newData) == 0 ) {
        // End of data stream; the server is dead.
        fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionGotData: Server died unexpectedly.\n");
        // Tell the client.
        (void) conn->fCallback(conn, NULL, conn->fCallbackRefCon);
        // Shut 'er down Clancy, she's pumping mud!
    } else {
        // We have new data from the server.  Appending to our buffer.
        CFDataAppendBytes(conn->fBufferedPackets, CFDataGetBytePtr(newData), CFDataGetLength(newData));
        // Now see if there are any complete packets in the buffer; and, 
        // if so, deliver them to the client.
        do {
            PacketHeader *  thisPacket;
            Boolean         success;
            if ( CFDataGetLength(conn->fBufferedPackets) < sizeof(PacketHeader) ) {
                // Not enough data for the packet header; we're done.
            thisPacket = (PacketHeader *) CFDataGetBytePtr(conn->fBufferedPackets);
            if ( thisPacket->fMagic != kPacketMagic ) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionGotData: Server sent us a packet with bad magic (%.4s).\n", (char *) &thisPacket->fMagic);
            if (thisPacket->fSize > kPacketMaximumSize) {
                fprintf(stderr, "ConnectionGotData: Server sent us a packet that's just too big (%" PRIu32 ").\n", thisPacket->fSize);
            if ( CFDataGetLength(conn->fBufferedPackets) < thisPacket->fSize ) {
                // Not enough data for the packet body; we're done.
            // Tell the client about the packet.
            success = conn->fCallback(conn, thisPacket, conn->fCallbackRefCon);
            if ( ! success ) {
            // Delete this packet from the front of our packet buffer.  I horror at 
            // the inefficiency of this, but it is sample code after all.
            CFDataDeleteBytes(conn->fBufferedPackets, CFRangeMake(0, thisPacket->fSize));
        } while (true);
static int ConnectionRegisterListener(
    ConnectionRef               conn, 
    CFRunLoopRef                runLoop,
    CFStringRef                 runLoopMode, 
    ConnectionCallbackProcPtr   callback, 
    void *                      refCon
    // Register a listener to be called when packets arrive.  Once you've done 
    // this, you can no longer use conn for RPCs.
    // conn must be a valid connection
    // runLoop and runLoopMode specify the context in which the callback will 
    // be called; in most cases you specify CFRunLoopGetCurrent() and 
    // kCFRunLoopDefaultMode
    // callback is the function you want to be called when packets arrive; it 
    // must not be NULL
    // refCon is passed to callback
    // Returns an errno-style error code
    // On success, the connection has been converted to a listener and your 
    // callback will be called from the context of the specific runloop when 
    // a packet arrives; on error, the connection is no longer useful (conn is 
    // still valid, but you can't use it to transmit any more data)
    int             err;
    assert(conn != NULL);
    assert(runLoop != NULL);
    assert(runLoopMode != NULL);
    assert(callback != NULL);
    assert(conn->fSockFD != -1);            // connection must not be shut down
    assert(conn->fSockCF == NULL);          // can't register twice
    // Create the packet buffer.
    err = 0;
    conn->fBufferedPackets = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
    if (conn->fBufferedPackets == NULL) {
        err = ENOMEM;
    // Add the source to the runloop.
    if (err == 0) {
        CFSocketContext context;
        memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context)); = conn;
        conn->fSockCF = CFSocketCreateWithNative(
            (CFSocketNativeHandle) conn->fSockFD, 
        if (conn->fSockCF == NULL) {
            err = EINVAL;
    if (err == 0) {
        conn->fRunLoopSource = CFSocketCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, conn->fSockCF, 0);
        if (conn->fRunLoopSource == NULL) {
            err = EINVAL;
    if (err == 0) {
        conn->fCallback = callback;
        conn->fCallbackRefCon = refCon;
        CFRunLoopAddSource( runLoop, conn->fRunLoopSource, runLoopMode);
    // Any failure means the entire connection is dead; again, this is the 
    // draconian approach to error handling.  But hey, connections are 
    // (relatively) cheap.
    if (err != 0) {
    return err;
static void ConnectionShutdown(ConnectionRef conn)
    // This routine shuts down down the connection to the server 
    // without saying goodbye; it leaves conn valid.  This routine 
    // is primarily used internally to the connection abstraction 
    // where we notice that the connection has failed for some reason. 
    // It's also called by the client after a successful quit RPC 
    // because we know that the server has closed its end of the 
    // connection.
    // It's important to nil out the fields as we close them because 
    // this routine is called if any messaging routine fails.  If it 
    // doesn't nil out the fields, two bad things might happen:
    // o When the connection is eventually closed, ConnectionCloseInternal 
    //   will try to send a Goodbye, which fails triggering an assert.
    // o If ConnectionShutdown is called twice on a particular connection 
    //   (which happens a lot; this is a belts and braces implementation 
    //   [that's "belts and suspenders" for the Americans reading this; 
    //   ever wonder why Monty Python's lumberjacks sing about "suspenders 
    //   and a bra"?; well look up "suspenders" in a non-American dictionary 
    //   for a quiet chuckle :-] )
    int     junk;
    Boolean hadSockCF;
    assert(conn != NULL);
    conn->fCallback       = NULL;
    conn->fCallbackRefCon = NULL;
    if (conn->fRunLoopSource != NULL) {
        conn->fRunLoopSource = NULL;
    // CFSocket will close conn->fSockFD when we invalidate conn->fSockCF, 
    // so we remember whether we did this so that, later on, we know 
    // whether to close the file descriptor ourselves.  We need an extra 
    // variable because we NULL out fSockCF as we release it, for the reason 
    // described above.
    hadSockCF = (conn->fSockCF != NULL);
    if (conn->fSockCF != NULL) {
        conn->fSockCF = NULL;
    if (conn->fBufferedPackets != NULL) {
        conn->fBufferedPackets = NULL;
    if ( (conn->fSockFD != -1) && ! hadSockCF ) {
        junk = close(conn->fSockFD);
        assert(junk == 0);
    // We always set fSockFD to -1 because either we've closed it or 
    // CFSocket has.
    conn->fSockFD = -1;
static void ConnectionCloseInternal(ConnectionRef conn, Boolean sayGoodbye)
    // The core of ConnectionClose.  It's called by ConnectionClose 
    // and by ConnectionOpen, if it fails for some reason.  This exists 
    // as a separate routine so that we can add the sayGoodbye parameter, 
    // which controls whether we send a goodbye packet to the server.  We 
    // need this because we should always try to say goodbye if we're called 
    // from ConnectionClose, but if we're called from ConnectionOpen we 
    // should only try to say goodbye if we successfully connected the 
    // socket.
    // Regardless, the bulk of the work of this routine is done by 
    // ConnectionShutdown.  This routine exists to a) say goodbye, if 
    // necessary, and b) free the memory associated with the connection.
    int     junk;
    if (conn != NULL) {
        assert(conn->fMagic == kConnectionStateMagic);
        if ( (conn->fSockFD != -1) && sayGoodbye ) {
            PacketGoodbye   goodbye;
            InitPacketHeader(&goodbye.fHeader, kPacketTypeGoodbye, sizeof(goodbye), false);
            snprintf(goodbye.fMessage, sizeof(goodbye.fMessage), "Process %ld signing off", (long) getpid());
            junk = ConnectionSend(conn, &goodbye.fHeader);
            assert(junk == 0);
static void ConnectionClose(ConnectionRef conn)
    // Closes the connection.  It's legal to pass conn as NULL, in which 
    // case this does nothing (kinda like free'ing NULL).
    ConnectionCloseInternal(conn, true);
#pragma mark ***** Command Line Tool
// The following routines use the connection abstraction defined above 
// to implement a simple command line tool that exercises the server.
enum {
    kResultColumnWidth = 10
static void PrintResult(const char *command, int errNum, const char *arg)
    // Prints the result of a command.  command is the name of the 
    // command, errNum is the errno-style error number, and arg 
    // (if not NULL) is the command argument.
    if (errNum == 0) {
        if (arg == NULL) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%*s\n", kResultColumnWidth, command);
        } else {
            fprintf(stderr, "%*s \"%s\"\n", kResultColumnWidth, command, arg);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%*s failed with error %d\n", kResultColumnWidth, command, errNum);
static void DoNOP(ConnectionRef conn)
    // Implements the "nop" command by doing a NOP RPC with the server.
    int         err;
    PacketNOP   request;
    PacketReply reply;
    InitPacketHeader(&request.fHeader, kPacketTypeNOP, sizeof(request), true);
    err = ConnectionRPC(conn, &request.fHeader, &reply.fHeader, sizeof(reply));
    if (err == 0) {
        err = reply.fErr;
    PrintResult("nop", err, NULL);
static void DoWhisper(ConnectionRef conn, const char *message)
    // Implements the "whisper" command by doing a whisper RPC with the server.
    // The server responds to this RPC by printing the message.
    int             err;
    PacketWhisper   request;
    PacketReply     reply;
    InitPacketHeader(&request.fHeader, kPacketTypeWhisper, sizeof(request), true);
    snprintf(request.fMessage, sizeof(request.fMessage), "%s", message);
    err = ConnectionRPC(conn, &request.fHeader, &reply.fHeader, sizeof(reply));
    if (err == 0) {
        err = reply.fErr;
    PrintResult("whisper", err, message);
static void DoShout(ConnectionRef conn, const char *message)
    // Implements the "shout" command by sending a shout packet to the server. 
    // Note that this is /not/ an RPC.
    // The server responds to this packet by echoing it to each registered 
    // listener.
    int         err;
    PacketShout request;
    InitPacketHeader(&request.fHeader, kPacketTypeShout, sizeof(request), false);
    snprintf(request.fMessage, sizeof(request.fMessage), "%s", message);
    err = ConnectionSend(conn, &request.fHeader);
    PrintResult("shout", err, message);
static Boolean GotPacket(ConnectionRef conn, const PacketHeader *packet, void *refCon)
    // DoListen registers this routine with the connection abstraction layer 
    // so that it is called when a packet arrives.  For a description of the 
    // parameters, see the comments next to ConnectionCallbackProcPtr.
    #pragma unused(conn)
    Boolean         result;
    CFRunLoopRef    runLoop;
    // When we register this callback, we pass a reference to the runloop 
    // as the refCon.  Extract that reference here.
    runLoop = (CFRunLoopRef) refCon;
    assert(runLoop != NULL);
    assert( CFGetTypeID(runLoop) == CFRunLoopGetTypeID() );
    result = true;
    if (packet == NULL) {
        // Server connection has gone away.  No need to return false because 
        // the connection is torn anyway.
    } else {
        // We got a packet from the server.  Tell the user about it.
        switch (packet->fType) {
            case kPacketTypeShout:
                if (packet->fSize != sizeof(PacketShout)) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "GotPacket: Server sent us a Shout with the wrong size (%" PRIu32 ").\n", packet->fSize);
                    result = false;
                if (result && (packet->fID != kPacketIDNone) ) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "GotPacket: Server sent us a Shout with the wrong size (%" PRId32 ").\n", packet->fID);
                    result = false;
                if (result) {
                    PacketShout * shoutPacket;
                    shoutPacket = (PacketShout *) packet;
                    fprintf(stderr, "%*s heard \"%.*s\"\n", kResultColumnWidth, "", (int) sizeof(shoutPacket->fMessage), shoutPacket->fMessage);                
                fprintf(stderr, "GotPacket: Server sent us a packet with an unexpected type (%.4s).\n", (char *) &packet->fType);
                result = false;
    return result;
static void DoListen(ConnectionRef conn)
    // Implements the "listen" command.  First this does a listen RPC 
    // to tell the server that this connection is now a listener.  Next it 
    // calls ConnectionRegisterListener to register a packet listener callback 
    // (GotPacket, above) on the runloop.  It then runs the runloop until its 
    // stopped (by a SIGINT, via SIGINTRunLoopCallback, below).
    int             err;
    PacketListen    request;
    PacketReply     reply;
    InitPacketHeader(&request.fHeader, kPacketTypeListen, sizeof(request), true);
    err = ConnectionRPC(conn, &request.fHeader, &reply.fHeader, sizeof(reply));
    if (err == 0) {
        err = reply.fErr;
    if (err == 0) {
        err = ConnectionRegisterListener(
    if (err != 0) {
        PrintResult("listen", err, NULL);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%*s Press ^C to quit.\n", kResultColumnWidth, "listen");
static void DoQuit(ConnectionRef conn)
    // Implements the "quit" command by doing a quit RPC with the server. 
    // The server responds to this RPC by quitting.  Cleverly, it sends us 
    // the RPC reply right before quitting.
    int         err;
    PacketQuit  request;
    PacketReply reply;
    InitPacketHeader(&request.fHeader, kPacketTypeQuit, sizeof(request), true);
    err = ConnectionRPC(conn, &request.fHeader, &reply.fHeader, sizeof(reply));
    if (err == 0) {
        err = reply.fErr;
    if (err == 0) {
        // If the quit is successful, we shut down our end of the connection 
        // because we know that the server has shut down its end.
    PrintResult("quit", err, NULL);
static void SIGINTRunLoopCallback(const siginfo_t *sigInfo, void *refCon)
    // This routine is called in response to a SIGINT signal. 
    // It is not, however, a signal handler.  Rather, we 
    // orchestrate to have it called from the runloop (via 
    // the magic of InstallSignalToSocket).  It's purpose 
    // is to stop the runloop when the user types ^C.
    #pragma unused(sigInfo)
    #pragma unused(refCon)
    // Stop the runloop.  Note that we can get a reference to the runloop by 
    // calling CFRunLoopGetCurrent because this is called from the runloop.
    CFRunLoopStop( CFRunLoopGetCurrent() );
    // Print a bonus newline to ensure that the next command prompt isn't 
    // printed on the same line as the echoed ^C.
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static void PrintUsage(const char *argv0)
    // Print the program's usage.
    const char *command;
    command = strrchr(argv0, '/');
    if (command == NULL) {
        command = argv0;
    } else {
        command += 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s command...\n", command);
    fprintf(stderr, "       commands: nop\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                 whisper <message>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                 shout   <message>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                 listen  (must be last)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "                 quit\n");
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
    // The primary entry point.
    int             err;
    ConnectionRef   conn;
    conn = NULL;
    // If we get no arguments, just print the usage and fail.
    err = 0;
    if (argc == 1) {
        err = ECANCELED;
    // SIGPIPE is evil, so tell the system not to send it to us.
    if (err == 0) {
        err = MoreUNIXIgnoreSIGPIPE();
    // Organise to have SIGINT delivered to a runloop callback.
    if (err == 0) {
        sigset_t    justSIGINT;
        (void) sigemptyset(&justSIGINT);
        (void) sigaddset(&justSIGINT, SIGINT);
        err = InstallSignalToSocket(
    // Connect to the server.
    if (err == 0) {
        err = ConnectionOpen(&conn);
    // Process the command line arguments.  Basically the arguments are a 
    // sequence of commands, which we process in order.  The logic is 
    // a little convoluted because some commands have arguments and because 
    // the "listen" command must come last.
    if (err == 0) {
        Boolean printTheUsage;
        int     argIndex;
        printTheUsage = false;
        argIndex = 1;
        while ( (err == 0) && (argIndex < argc) ) {
            if ( strcmp(argv[argIndex], "nop") == 0 ) {
            } else if ( strcmp(argv[argIndex], "whisper") == 0 ) {
                argIndex += 1;
                if (argIndex < argc) {
                    DoWhisper(conn, argv[argIndex]);
                } else {
                    printTheUsage = true;
                    err = ECANCELED;
            } else if ( strcmp(argv[argIndex], "shout") == 0 ) {
                argIndex += 1;
                if (argIndex < argc) {
                    DoShout(conn, argv[argIndex]);
                } else {
                    printTheUsage = true;
                    err = ECANCELED;
            } else if ( strcmp(argv[argIndex], "listen") == 0 ) {
                if ( (argIndex + 1) == argc ) {         // if listen is the last argument
                } else {
                    printTheUsage = true;
                    err = ECANCELED;
            } else if ( strcmp(argv[argIndex], "quit") == 0 ) {
            } else {
                printTheUsage = true;
                err = ECANCELED;
            argIndex += 1;
        if (printTheUsage) {
    // Clean up.
    if ( (err != 0) && (err != ECANCELED) ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "SimpleClientCF: Failed with error %d.\n", err);
    return (err == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;