QTSS Data Types


A QTSS_AttributeID is a signed 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies an attribute.

typedef SInt32 QTSS_AttributeID;


A QTSS_Object is a pointer to a value that identifies a particular object. The QTSS_Object is defined as

typedef void* QTSS_Object;

The QTSS_Object is used to define other QTSS objects:

typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_RTPStreamObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_RTSPSessionObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_RTSPRequestObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_RTSPHeaderObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_ClientSessionObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_ConnectedUserObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_ServerObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_PrefsObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_TextMessagesObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_FileObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_ModuleObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_ModulePrefsObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_AttrInfoObject;
typedef QTSS_Object QTSS_UserProfileObject;


A QTSS_ObjectType is a value of type UInt32 that identifies a particular QTSS object type.

typedef UInt32 QTSS_ObjectType;

Constants for the following QTSS object types are defined:


A value of type QTSS_Role is an unsigned 32-bit integer used to store module roles. It is defined as

typedef UInt32 QTSS_Role;


A QTSS_ServiceID is a signed 32-bit integer that uniquely identifies a service. It is defined as

typedef SInt32 QTSS_ServiceID;


A value of type QTSS_StreamRef is a pointer to a value that identifies a particular stream. It is defined as

typedef void* QTSS_StreamRef;

The QTSS_StreamRef is used to define other stream references:

typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_ErrorLogStream;
typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_FileStream;
typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_RTSPSessionStream;
typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_RTSPRequestStream;
typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_RTPStreamStream;
typedef QTSS_StreamRef  QTSS_SocketStr


A value of type QTSS_TimeVal is a signed 64-bit integer used to store time values. It is defined as

typedef SInt64 QTSS_TimeVal;