Printing Plug-in Header Functions

All printing plug-ins—including printing dialog extensions—must implement the three functions defined in the PMPluginHeader interface. These functions perform reference counting and provide version information for the larger PlugInIntfVTable interface.

This appendix explains how to perform these tasks. You should be able to use this sample code in a real-world project with little or no modification.


Listing B-1 implements a function that retains (increments the reference count of) an instance of the PlugInIntfVTable interface.

Listing B-1  A retain function for the PlugInIntfVTable interface

static OSStatus MyPMPluginRetain (PMPlugInHeaderInterface* this)
    MyPDEInstance* instance = (MyPDEInstance*) this;// 1
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    if (instance != NULL) {
        ++instance->refCount;// 2
    return result;

Here’s what the code in Listing B-1 does:

  1. Defines a pointer to an instance of the PlugInIntfVTable interface. This is the same instance the query interface function supplied.

  2. Increments the reference count for this instance.


Listing B-2 implements a function that releases (decrements the reference count of) an instance of the PlugInIntfVTable interface, and frees the instance if the reference count reaches zero.

Listing B-2  A release function for the PlugInIntfVTable interface

static OSStatus MyPMRelease (
    PMPlugInHeaderInterface** this
    MyPDEInstance* instance = (MyPDEInstance*) *this;
    ULONG refCount = 0;
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    *this = NULL;
    if(instance != NULL)
        refCount = --instance->refCount;
        if (refCount == 0)
            free (instance);
    return result;

Here’s what the code in Listing B-2 does:

  1. Defines a pointer to an instance of the PlugInIntfVTable interface. This is the same instance the query interface function supplied.

  2. Defines a variable for the updated reference count, and sets its default value to 0.

  3. Clears the caller's instance pointer.

  4. Decrements the reference count for this instance.

  5. If the reference count is zero, deallocates storage for the instance.

  6. Releases our bundle reference, in case the plug-in is being unloaded. For more information about MyFreeBundle, see the comments in the sample project that accompanies this book.


Listing B-3 implements a function that supplies API version information to the printing system.

Listing B-3  An API version function for the PlugInIntfVTable interface

static OSStatus MyPMPluginGetAPIVersion (
    PMPlugInHeaderInterface *this,
    PMPlugInAPIVersion *versionPtr// 1
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    versionPtr->buildVersionMajor = kPDEBuildVersionMajor;// 2
    versionPtr->buildVersionMinor = kPDEBuildVersionMinor;
    versionPtr->baseVersionMajor = kPDEBaseVersionMajor;
    versionPtr->baseVersionMinor = kPDEBaseVersionMinor;
    return result;

Here’s what the code in Listing B-3 does:

  1. Receives the address of a structure that the caller uses for version control information.

  2. Assigns four constant values to fields in the structure. The constants are defined in PMPrintingDialogExtensions.h for use in this function.