Apple Pay and PassKit Entitlements

Use these keys to enable in-app payments using Apple Pay, or to allow your app to access passes from the PassKit library. Set these entitlements using Xcode.

Apple Pay and PassKit Entitlement Keys

Apple Pay and PassKit Entitlement key

In-app payments.

For more information, see Enabling In-App Payments.

Access to the listed passes from the PassKit library.

For more information, see Enabling Access to Passes.

Prevents the display of the Apple Pay passes when it detects a compatible reader.

For more information, see Suppressing the Display of Apple Pay Passes.

In-app provisioning of payment cards.

For more information, see Enabling In-App Provisioning of Payment Cards.

Enabling In-App Payments

To enable in-app payments, use Xcode’s Capabilities pane to turn on Apple Pay, and select the merchant IDs you want to use. This sets the key.

The value for this key is an array of merchant IDs.

For complete instructions, see Configuring Your Environment in Apple Pay Programming Guide.

Enabling Access to Passes

To access passes in your app, use Xcode’s Capabilities pane to turn on Wallet. If your provisioning profile is associated with multiple pass type identifiers, you can specify which of the identifiers your app can interact with. This sets the key.

The value for this key is an array of pass type IDs. Use $(TeamIdentifierPrefix)* to access all the passes for your team.

For complete instructions, see Configuring Wallet (iOS, WatchKit Extension) in App Distribution Guide.

Suppressing the Display of Apple Pay Passes

Use this entitlement to keep your app in the foreground when operating near NFC or other RF readers. This entitlement enables the requestAutomaticPassPresentationSuppressionWithResponseHandler: method.

In the entitlement’s file, add the key with a Boolean value of YES. You need special permission from Apple to submit apps with this key enabled. For more information, contact

Enabling In-App Provisioning of Payment Cards

Use this entitlement to enable the in-app provisioning of payment cards. This entitlement allows you to initialize and present a PKAddPaymentPassViewController object.

In the entitlement’s file, add the key with a Boolean value of YES. You need special permission from Apple to submit apps with this key enabled. For more information, contact