Command Organization and Execution Model
In the Metal architecture, the MTLDevice
protocol defines the interface that represents a single GPU. The MTLDevice
protocol supports methods for interrogating device properties, for creating other device-specific objects such as buffers and textures, and for encoding and queueing render and compute commands to be submitted to the GPU for execution.
A command queue consists of a queue of command buffers, and a command queue organizes the order of execution of those command buffers. A command buffer contains encoded commands that are intended for execution on a particular device. A command encoder appends rendering, computing, and blitting commands onto a command buffer, and those command buffers are eventually committed for execution on the device.
The MTLCommandQueue
protocol defines an interface for command queues, primarily supporting methods for creating command buffer objects. The MTLCommandBuffer
protocol defines an interface for command buffers and provides methods for creating command encoders, enqueueing command buffers for execution, checking status, and other operations. The MTLCommandBuffer
protocol supports the following command encoder types, which are interfaces for encoding different kinds of GPU workloads into a command buffer:
protocol encodes graphics (3D) rendering commands for a single rendering pass.The
protocol encodes data-parallel computation workloads.The
protocol encodes simple copy operations between buffers and textures, as well as utility operations like mipmap generation.
At any point in time, only a single command encoder can be active and append commands into a command buffer. Each command encoder must be ended before another command encoder can be created for use with the same command buffer. The one exception to the “one active command encoder for each command buffer” rule is the MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder
protocol, discussed in Encoding a Single Rendering Pass Using Multiple Threads.
Once all encoding is completed, you commit the MTLCommandBuffer
object itself, which marks the command buffer as ready for execution by the GPU. The MTLCommandQueue
protocol controls when the commands in the committed MTLCommandBuffer
object are executed, relative to other MTLCommandBuffer
objects that are already in the command queue.
Figure 2-1 shows how the command queue, command buffer, and command encoder objects are closely related. Each column of components at the top of the diagram (buffer, texture, sampler, depth and stencil state, pipeline state) represent resources and state that are specific to a particular command encoder.

The Device Object Represents a GPU
A MTLDevice
object represents a GPU that can execute commands. The MTLDevice
protocol has methods to create new command queues, to allocate buffers from memory, to create textures, and to make queries about the device’s capabilities. To obtain the preferred system device on the system, call the MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice
Transient and Non-transient Objects in Metal
Some objects in Metal are designed to be transient and extremely lightweight, while others are more expensive and can last for a long time, perhaps for the lifetime of the app.
Command buffer and command encoder objects are transient and designed for a single use. They are very inexpensive to allocate and deallocate, so their creation methods return autoreleased objects.
The following objects are not transient. Reuse these objects in performance sensitive code, and avoid creating them repeatedly.
Command queues
Data buffers
Sampler states
Compute states
Render pipeline states
Depth/stencil states
Command Queue
A command queue accepts an ordered list of command buffers that the GPU will execute. All command buffers sent to a single queue are guaranteed to execute in the order in which the command buffers were enqueued. In general, command queues are thread-safe and allow multiple active command buffers to be encoded simultaneously.
To create a command queue, call either the newCommandQueue
method or the newCommandQueueWithMaxCommandBufferCount:
method of a MTLDevice
object. In general, command queues are expected to be long-lived, so they should not be repeatedly created and destroyed.
Command Buffer
A command buffer stores encoded commands until the buffer is committed for execution by the GPU. A single command buffer can contain many different kinds of encoded commands, depending on the number and type of encoders that are used to build it. In a typical app, an entire frame of rendering is encoded into a single command buffer, even if rendering that frame involves multiple rendering passes, compute processing functions, or blit operations.
Command buffers are transient single-use objects and do not support reuse. Once a command buffer has been committed for execution, the only valid operations are to wait for the command buffer to be scheduled or completed—through synchronous calls or handler blocks discussed in Registering Handler Blocks for Command Buffer Execution—and to check the status of the command buffer execution.
Command buffers also represent the only independently trackable unit of work by the app, and they define the coherency boundaries established by the Metal memory model, as detailed in Resource Objects: Buffers and Textures.
Creating a Command Buffer
To create a MTLCommandBuffer
object, call the commandBuffer
method of MTLCommandQueue
. A MTLCommandBuffer
object can only be committed into the MTLCommandQueue
object that created it.
Command buffers created by the commandBuffer
method retain data that is needed for execution. For certain scenarios, where you hold a retain to these objects elsewhere for the duration of the execution of a MTLCommandBuffer
object, you can instead create a command buffer by calling the commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences
method of MTLCommandQueue
. Use the commandBufferWithUnretainedReferences
method only for extremely performance-critical apps that can guarantee that crucial objects have references elsewhere in the app until command buffer execution is completed. Otherwise, an object that no longer has other references may be prematurely released, and the results of the command buffer execution are undefined.
Executing Commands
The MTLCommandBuffer
protocol uses the following methods to establish the execution order of command buffers in the command queue. A command buffer does not begin execution until it is committed. Once committed, command buffers are executed in the order in which they were enqueued.
method reserves a place for the command buffer on the command queue, but does not commit the command buffer for execution. When this command buffer is eventually committed, it is executed after any previously enqueued command buffers within the associated command queue.The
method causes the command buffer to be executed as soon as possible, but after any previously enqueued command buffers in the same command queue are committed. If the command buffer has not previously been enqueued,commit
makes an impliedenqueue
For an example of using enqueue
with multiple threads, see Multiple Threads, Command Buffers, and Command Encoders.
Registering Handler Blocks for Command Buffer Execution
The MTLCommandBuffer
methods listed below monitor command execution. Scheduled and completed handlers are invoked in execution order on an undefined thread. Any code you execute in these handlers should complete quickly; if expensive or blocking work needs to be done, defer that work to another thread.
method registers a block of code to be called when the command buffer is scheduled. A command buffer is considered scheduled when any dependencies between work submitted by otherMTLCommandBuffer
objects or other APIs in the system is satisfied. You can register multiple scheduled handlers for a command buffer.The
method synchronously waits and returns after the command buffer is scheduled and all handlers registered by theaddScheduledHandler:
method are completed.The
method registers a block of code to be called immediately after the device completes the execution of the command buffer. You can register multiple completed handlers for a command buffer.The
method synchronously waits and returns after the device has completed the execution of the command buffer and all handlers registered by theaddCompletedHandler:
method have returned.
The presentDrawable:
method is a special case of completed handler. This convenience method presents the contents of a displayable resource (a CAMetalDrawable
object) when the command buffer is scheduled. For details about the presentDrawable:
method, see Integration with Core Animation: CAMetalLayer.
Monitoring Command Buffer Execution Status
The read-only status
property contains a MTLCommandBufferStatus
enum value listed in Command Buffer Status Codes
that reflects the current scheduling stage in the lifetime of this command buffer.
If execution finishes successfully, the value of the read-only error
property is nil
. If execution fails, then status
is set to MTLCommandBufferStatusError
, and the error
property may contain a value listed in Command Buffer Error Codes
that indicates the cause of the failure.
Command Encoder
A command encoder is a transient object that you use once to write commands and state into a single command buffer in a format that the GPU can execute. Many command encoder object methods append commands onto the command buffer. While a command encoder is active, it has the exclusive right to append commands for its command buffer. Once you finish encoding commands, call the endEncoding
method. To write further commands, create a new command encoder.
Creating a Command Encoder Object
Because a command encoder appends commands into a specific command buffer, you create a command encoder by requesting one from the MTLCommandBuffer
object you want to use it with. Use the following MTLCommandBuffer
methods to create command encoders of each type:
method creates aMTLRenderCommandEncoder
object for graphics rendering to an attachment in aMTLRenderPassDescriptor
method creates aMTLComputeCommandEncoder
object for data-parallel computations.The
method creates aMTLBlitCommandEncoder
object for memory operations.The
method creates aMTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder
object that enables severalMTLRenderCommandEncoder
objects to run on different threads while still rendering to an attachment that is specified in a sharedMTLRenderPassDescriptor
Render Command Encoder
Graphics rendering can be described in terms of a rendering pass. A MTLRenderCommandEncoder
object represents the rendering state and drawing commands associated with a single rendering pass. A MTLRenderCommandEncoder
requires an associated MTLRenderPassDescriptor
(described in Creating a Render Pass Descriptor) that includes the color, depth, and stencil attachments that serve as destinations for rendering commands. The MTLRenderCommandEncoder
has methods to:
Specify graphics resources, such as buffer and texture objects, that contain vertex, fragment, or texture image data
Specify a
object that contains compiled rendering state, including vertex and fragment shadersSpecify fixed-function state, including viewport, triangle fill mode, scissor rectangle, depth and stencil tests, and other values
Draw 3D primitives
For detailed information about the MTLRenderCommandEncoder
protocol, see Graphics Rendering: Render Command Encoder.
Compute Command Encoder
For data-parallel computing, the MTLComputeCommandEncoder
protocol provides methods to encode commands in the command buffer that can specify the compute function and its arguments (for example, texture, buffer, and sampler state) and dispatch the compute function for execution. To create a compute command encoder object, use the computeCommandEncoder
method of MTLCommandBuffer
. For detailed information about the MTLComputeCommandEncoder
methods and properties, see Data-Parallel Compute Processing: Compute Command Encoder.
Blit Command Encoder
The MTLBlitCommandEncoder
protocol has methods that append commands for memory copy operations between buffers (MTLBuffer
) and textures (MTLTexture
). The MTLBlitCommandEncoder
protocol also provides methods to fill textures with a solid color and to generate mipmaps. To create a blit command encoder object, use the blitCommandEncoder
method of MTLCommandBuffer
. For detailed information about the MTLBlitCommandEncoder
methods and properties, see Buffer and Texture Operations: Blit Command Encoder.
Multiple Threads, Command Buffers, and Command Encoders
Most apps use a single thread to encode the rendering commands for a single frame in a single command buffer. At the end of each frame, you commit the command buffer, which both schedules and begins command execution.
If you want to parallelize command buffer encoding, then you can create multiple command buffers at the same time, and encode to each one with a separate thread. If you know ahead of time in what order a command buffer should execute, then the enqueue
method of MTLCommandBuffer
can declare the execution order within the command queue without needing to wait for the commands to be encoded and committed. Otherwise, when a command buffer is committed, it is assigned a place in the command queue after any previously enqueued command buffers.
Only one CPU thread can access a command buffer at time. Multithreaded apps can use one thread per command buffer to create multiple command buffers in parallel.
Figure 2-2 shows an example with three threads. Each thread has its own command buffer. For each thread, one command encoder at a time has access to its associated command buffer. Figure 2-2 also shows each command buffer receiving commands from different command encoders. When you finish encoding, call the endEncoding
method of the command encoder, and a new command encoder object can then begin encoding commands to the command buffer.

A MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder
object allows a single rendering pass to be broken up across multiple command encoders and assigned to separate threads. For more information about MTLParallelRenderCommandEncoder
, see Encoding a Single Rendering Pass Using Multiple Threads.
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