Document Revision History

This table describes the changes to File System Overview.


This document is replaced by File System Programming Guide.


Removed the "Directories of the Classic Environment" chapter.


Added links to Cocoa Core Comptencies.


Revised information about initial file permissions.


Updated line ending and where to put application files guidelines. Updated guidance for what goes in Library directories.


Removed Sherlock plug-ins directory from list of /Library directories.


Clarified display name information and added guidelines related to line-ending characters.


Updated the developer directory information. Incorporated minor fixes reported by developers.


Added an overview of access control lists.


Changed title from "The Mac OS X File System".


Revised display name guidelines to reflect the fact that localization of all bundles is not supported.


Added guidelines on where to put additional application files.


Added guidelines on case sensitivity.


Added initial guidelines relating to files on network and mobile volumes.


Removed information about the Finder and document bindings. That information is now covered in Launch Services Programming Guide.


Added information about sort ordering rules for Finder windows.


Added information about the rules used by the Finder to determine the name and icon for files and directories.


Fixed minor bugs.


Fixed a minor bug related to the comparison of HFS+ and UFS features.


First version of The Mac OS X File System. The information in this document replaces information about the file system that previously appeared in System Overview.