Element Description
WOHyperlink generates a hypertext link in an HTML document.
WOHyperlink { action=aMethod | href=aURL; | pageName=aString; | directActionName=anActionName; actionClass=className; [fragmentIdentifier=anchorFragment;] [string=aString;] [target=frameName;] [disabled=aBoolean;] ... };Bindings
- action
- Action method to invoke when this element is activated. The method must return a WOElement.
- href
- URL to direct the browser to when the link is clicked.
- pageName
- Name of WebObjects page to display when the link is clicked.
- directActionName
- The name of the direct action method (minus the "Action" suffix) to invoke when this element is activated.
- actionClass
- The name of the class in which the method designated in directActionName can be found. Defaults to DirectAction.
- fragmentIdentifier
- Named location to display in the destination page.
- string
- Text displayed to the user as the link. If you include
any text between the
tags for this element, the contents of string is appended to that text.
- target
- Frame in a frameset that will receive the page returned as a result of the user's click.
- disabled
- If evaluates to
), the content string is displayed, but the hyperlink is not active.