- Inherits from:
- Object
- Implements:
- NSDisposable
- Package:
- com.webobjects.eodistribution
Class Description
An EODistributionContext object encodes data to send to the client and decodes data received from the client over the distribution channel. An EODistributionContext is also responsible for tracking the state of the server-side object graph and communicating any changes to the client, thus keeping the client and server object graphs in sync. EODistributionContext-or, if implemented, its delegate-validates remote invocations originating from client objects. The server-side EODistributionContext communicates with the EODistributedObjectStore on the client. See the EODistributionContext.Delegate interface description for more information on security and validation.
EODistributionContext defines String constants for the names of the notifications it posts. For more information, see "Notifications" (page 31).
Interfaces Implemented
- NSDisposable
public com.webobjects.eodistribution.EODistributionContext( com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session, com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext editingContext)
public com.webobjects.eodistribution.EODistributionContext( com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session)
Instance Methods
public void addRemoteMethodReceiver(Object target)
public Object delegate()
public com.webobjects.eocontrol.EOEditingContext editingContext()
See Also: EODistributionContext constructor
public Object invocationTarget()
See Also: responseToClientMessage
public NSArray remoteMethodReceivers()
public NSData responseToClientMessage(NSData message)
See Also: invocationTarget
public com.webobjects.appserver.WOSession session()
See Also: EODistributionContext constructor
public void setDelegate(Object delegate)
See Also: delegate
public void setInvocationTarget(Object invocationTarget)
See Also: responseToClientMessage
Posted whenever a distribution context receives a request for user default values from a client application. Receivers can load default values (from a database, for example) and add them to the mutable dictionary provided in the notification's userInfo.Notification object | this |
userInfo | An NSDictionary containing a single entry with the key "defaults" and an NSMutableDictionary as the value. The keys to the mutable subdictionary are the names of the user defaults and the corresponding values are the default values themselves. |
Posted whenever the distribution context receives user default values from a client application. Receivers can use this notification to store the default values (in a database, for example).Notification object | this |
userInfo | An NSDictionary containing a single entry with the key "defaults" and another NSDictionary as the value. The keys to the mutable subdictionary are the names of the user defaults and the corresponding values are the default values themselves. |
This notification is broadcast when the client first invokes a remote method using the distribution context. The receiver of the notification should add a remote method receiver to the distribution context using the addRemoteMethodReceiver method.© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 17, 2001)