Implemented by: EODelayedObserverEOEditingContext
Package: com.webobjects.eocontrol
Interface Description
The EOObserving interface, a part of EOControl's change tracking mechanism, declares the objectWillChange method, used by observers to receive notifications that an object has changed. This message is sent by EOObserverCenter to all observers registered using its addObserver method. For an overview of the general change tracking mechanism, see "Tracking Enterprise Objects Changes" (page 22) in the introduction to the EOControl Framework.
Instance Methods
public abstract void objectWillChange(Object anObject)
Informs the receiver that anObject's state is about to change. The receiver can record anObject's state, mark or record it as changed, and examine it later (such as at the end of the run loop) to see how it's changed.
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 19, 2001)