Stored Value Methods
The stored value methods, storedValueForKey and takeStoredValueForKey, are used by the framework to store and restore an enterprise object's properties, either from the database or from an in-memory snapshot. This access is considered private to the enterprise object and is invoked by the framework to effect persistence on the object's behalf.
On the other hand, the basic key-value coding methods, valueForKey and takeValueForKey, are the public API to an enterprise object. They are invoked by clients external to the object, such as for interactions with the user interface or with other enterprise objects.
All of the key-value coding methods access an object's properties by invoking property-specific accessor methods or by directly accessing instance variables. The basic methods resolve the specified property key as follows:
- Search for a public accessor method based on the specified key, invoking it if there is one. For example, with a key of "lastName", takeValueForKey looks for a method named setKey:, and valueForKey looks for a method named getLastName or lastName.
- If a public accessor method isn't found and useStoredAccessor returns true, the basic methods search for a private accessor method based on the key. For example, with a key of "lastName", takeValueForKey looks for a method named _setKey:, and valueForKey looks for a method named _getLastName or _lastName.
- If an accessor method isn't found, the basic methods search for an instance variable based on the key and set the value directly. For the key "lastName", this would be _lastName or lastName. Note that _lastName is used only if useStoredAccessor returns true.
The stored value methods use a different search order for resolving the property key: they search for a private accessor first, then for an instance variable, and finally for a public accessor. Enterprise object classes can take advantage of this distinction to simply set or get values when properties are accessed through the private API (on behalf of a trusted source) and to perform additional processing when properties are accessed through the public API. Put another way, the stored value methods allow you bypass the logic in your public accessor methods, whereas the basic key-value coding methods execute that logic.
The stored value methods are especially useful in cases where property values are interdependent. For example, suppose you need to update a total whenever an object's bonus property is set:
void setBonus(double newBonus) { willChange(); _total += (newBonus - _bonus); _bonus = newBonus; }
This total-updating code should be activated when the object is updated with values provided by a user (through the user interface), but not when the bonus property is restored from the database. Since the Framework restores the property using takeStoredValueForKey and since this method accesses the _bonus instance variable in preference to calling the public accessor, the unnecessary (and possibly harmful) recomputation of _total is avoided. If the object actually wants to intervene when a property is set from the database, it has two options:
- Implement _setBonus.
- Replace the Framework's default stored value search order with the same search order used by the basic methods by overriding the static method shouldUseStoredAccessors to return false.
Type Checking and Type Conversion
The default implementations of the key-value coding methods accept any object as a value, and do no type checking or type conversion among object classes. It's possible, for example, to pass a String to takeValueForKey as the value for a property the receiver expects to be an NSDate. The sender of a key-value coding message is thus responsible for ensuring that a value is of the proper class, typically by using the validateValueForKey method to coerce it to the proper type. The interface layer's EODisplayGroup uses this on all values received from interface user objects, for example, as well as relying on number and date formatters to interpret string values typed by the user. For more information on the validateValueForKey method, see the EOValidation interface specification.
The key-value coding methods handle one special case with regard to value types. For enterprise objects that access numeric values as scalar types, these methods automatically convert between the scalar types and Number objects. For example, suppose your enterprise object defines these accessor methods:
public void setSalary(int salary) public int salary()
For the setSalary method, takeValueForKey converts the object value it receives as the argument for the "salary" key to an int and passes it as salary to setSalary. Similarly, valueForKey converts the return value of the salary method to a Number and returns that.
The default implementations of the key-value coding methods support the scalar types int
, float
, and double
. Object values are converted to these types with the standard messages intValue, floatValue, and so on. Note that the key-value coding methods don't check that an object value actually responds to these messages; this can result in a run-time error if the object doesn't respond to the appropriate message.
One type of conversion these methods can't perform is that from null to a scalar value. Scalar values define no equivalent of a database system's NULL value, so these must be handled by the object itself. Upon encountering null while setting a scalar value, takeValueForKey invokes unableToSetNullForKey, which by default simply throws an exception. Enterprise object classes that use scalar values which may be NULL in the database should override this method to substitute the appropriate scalar value for null, reinvoking takeValueForKey to set the substitute value.
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 23, 2001)