Inherits from: Object
Implements: Cloneable Serializable
Package: com.webobjects.eocontrol
Class Description
An EOGlobalID is a compact, universal identifier for a persistent object, forming the basis for uniquing in Enterprise Objects Framework. An EOGlobalID uniquely identifies the same object or record both between EOEditingContexts in a single application and in multiple applications (as in distributed systems). EOGlobalID is an abstract class, declaring only the methods needed for identification. A concrete subclass must define appropriate storage for identifying values (such as primary keys), as well as an initialization or creation method to build IDs. See the EOKeyGlobalID class specification for an example of a concrete ID class.
Temporary Identifiers
EOEditingContexts and other object stores support the insertion of new objects without established IDs, creating temporary IDs that get replaced with permanent ones as soon as the new objects are saved to their persistent stores. The temporary IDs are instances of the EOTemporaryGlobalID class.
When an EOObjectStore saves these newly inserted objects, it must replace the temporary IDs with persistent ones. When it does this, it must post an GlobalIDChangedNotification announcing the change so that observers can update their accounts of which objects are identified by which global IDs. The notification's userInfo dictionary contains a mapping from the temporary IDs (the keys) to their permanent replacements (the values).
EOGlobalIDdefines String constants for the names of the notifications it posts. For more information, see the section "Notifications" (page 232) below.
Interfaces Implemented
Cloneable clone
public EOGlobalID()
Instance Methods
public Object clone()
public abstract boolean equals(Object anObject)
public abstract int hashCode()
public boolean isTemporary()
public static final String GlobalIDChangedNotification
Notification Object | null |
Userinfo | A mapping from the temporary IDs (keys) to permanent IDs (values) |
© 2001 Apple Computer, Inc. (Last Published April 19, 2001)