Accessing a HID Device

OS X version 10.5 ("Leopard") introduces new APIs that abstract the current complexities of utilizing the I/O Kit to communicate with the HID Manager. These APIs allow you to enumerate HID devices and elements, access their properties, register for notification of HID device discovery and removal (hot plugging and unplugging), send and receive device reports, use queues to get notification of HID element value changes, and use transactions to talk to HID devices. Application developers that need to communicate with HID devices should read this chapter first.

This documentation assumes a basic understanding of the material contained in Accessing Hardware From Applications. For definitions of I/O Kit terms used in this documentation (such as matching dictionaries) see the overview of I/O Kit terms and concepts in the Device Access and the I/O Kit chapter. A detailed description of the HID class specification is beyond the scope of this document. For more information, including the complete listing of HID usage tables, visit the USB website at

Device Matching and Access

HID Manager references are used to communicate with the I/O Kit HID subsystem. They are created by using the IOHIDManagerCreate function:

// Create HID Manager reference
IOHIDManagerRef IOHIDManagerCreate(
                    CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
                    IOOptionBits    inOptions);         // options Reserved for future use

The first parameter (allocator) is a CFAllocator to be used when allocating the returned IOHIDManagerRef. The last parameter (options) is currently reserved for future use. Developers should pass kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone (zero) for this parameter.

There is no IOHIDManagerDestroy (or release, free, and so on); because the HID Manager reference is a Core Foundation object reference, CFRelease should be used to dispose of it.

A CFTypeRef can be verified to be a HID Manager reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against IOHIDManagerGetTypeID:

Listing 2-1  Validating a HID Manager reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDManagerGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a HID Manager reference!

Matching HID Devices

Once a HID Manager reference has been created, it has to be opened before it can be used to access the HID devices associated with it. To restrict the HID devices with which a HID Manager reference is associated, set a matching dictionary (single criteria) or array of matching dictionaries (multiple criteria). The functions are:

// Sets single matching criteria (dictionary) for device enumeration.
void IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFDictionaryRef inMatchingDictRef); // single dictionary containing device matching criteria.
// Sets multiple matching criteria (array of dictionaries) for device enumeration.
void IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatchingMultiple(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFArrayRef      inCFArrayRef);      // array of dictionaries containing device matching criteria.

The matching keys used in the dictionary entries are declared in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>:

Listing 2-2  HID device property keys

#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>
#define kIOHIDTransportKey                  "Transport"
#define kIOHIDVendorIDKey                   "VendorID"
#define kIOHIDVendorIDSourceKey             "VendorIDSource"
#define kIOHIDProductIDKey                  "ProductID"
#define kIOHIDVersionNumberKey              "VersionNumber"
#define kIOHIDManufacturerKey               "Manufacturer"
#define kIOHIDProductKey                    "Product"
#define kIOHIDSerialNumberKey               "SerialNumber"
#define kIOHIDCountryCodeKey                "CountryCode"
#define kIOHIDLocationIDKey                 "LocationID"
#define kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey                "DeviceUsage"
#define kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey            "DeviceUsagePage"
#define kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey           "DeviceUsagePairs"
#define kIOHIDPrimaryUsageKey               "PrimaryUsage"
#define kIOHIDPrimaryUsagePageKey           "PrimaryUsagePage"
#define kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey         "MaxInputReportSize"
#define kIOHIDMaxOutputReportSizeKey        "MaxOutputReportSize"
#define kIOHIDMaxFeatureReportSizeKey       "MaxFeatureReportSize"
#define kIOHIDReportIntervalKey             "ReportInterval"

The kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey key is used to represent an array of dictionaries containing key/value pairs referenced by kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey and kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey. These usage pairs describe all application type collections (behaviors) defined by the HID device.

An application interested in only matching on one criteria would only add the kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey and kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey keys to the matching dictionary. If it is interested in a HID device that has multiple behaviors, the application would instead add an array of dictionaries referenced by kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey to their matching dictionary.

This is equivalent to passing an array of dictionaries each containing two entries with keys kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey and kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey to IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatchingMultiple.

Passing a NULL dictionary will result in all devices being enumerated. Any subsequent calls will cause the HID Manager to release previously enumerated devices and restart the enumeration process using the revised criteria.

Listing 2-3  Matching against a single set (dictionary) of properties

// function to create matching dictionary
static CFMutableDictionaryRef hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(UInt32 inUsagePage, UInt32 inUsage)
    // create a dictionary to add usage page/usages to
    CFMutableDictionaryRef result = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
        kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
    if (result) {
        if (inUsagePage) {
            // Add key for device type to refine the matching dictionary.
            CFNumberRef pageCFNumberRef = CFNumberCreate(
                            kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &inUsagePage);
            if (pageCFNumberRef) {
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey), pageCFNumberRef);
                // note: the usage is only valid if the usage page is also defined
                if (inUsage) {
                    CFNumberRef usageCFNumberRef = CFNumberCreate(
                                    kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &inUsage);
                    if (usageCFNumberRef) {
                            CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey), usageCFNumberRef);
                    } else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFNumberCreate(usage) failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFNumberCreate(usage page) failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFDictionaryCreateMutable failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return result;
}   // hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary
// Create a matching dictionary
CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef =
                    hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard);
if (matchingCFDictRef) {
    // set the HID device matching dictionary
    IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(managerRef, matchingCFDictRef);
} else {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);

Listing 2-4  Matching against multiple sets (arrays of dictionaries) of properties

// create an array of matching dictionaries
CFArrayRef matchingCFArrayRef = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
if (matchingCFArrayRef) {
    // create a device matching dictionary for joysticks
    CFDictionaryRef matchingCFDictRef =
                        hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Joystick);
    if (matchingCFDictRef) {
        // add it to the matching array
        CFArrayAppendValue(matchingCFArrayRef, matchingCFDictRef);
        CFRelease(matchingCFDictRef); // and release it
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(joystick) failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    // create a device matching dictionary for game pads
    matchingCFDictRef = hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_GamePad);
    if (matchingCFDictRef) {
        // add it to the matching array
        CFArrayAppendValue(matchingCFArrayRef, matchingCFDictRef);
        CFRelease(matchingCFDictRef); // and release it
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: hu_CreateDeviceMatchingDictionary(game pad) failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
} else {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFArrayCreateMutable failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
-- EITHER --
// create a dictionary for the kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey entry
matchingCFDictRef = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
    kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
// add the matching array to it
CFDictionarySetValue(matchingCFDictRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePairsKey), matchingCFArrayRef);
// release the matching array
// set the HID device matching dictionary
IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(managerRef, matchingCFDictRef);
// and then release it
-- OR --
// set the HID device matching array
IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatchingMultiple(managerRef, matchingCFArrayRef);
// and then release it

Before opening the HID Manager reference it may be desirable to register routines to be called when (matching) devices are connected or disconnected.

// Register device matching callback routine
// This routine will be called when a new (matching) device is connected.
void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback(
        IOHIDManagerRef     inIOHIDManagerRef,      // HID Manager reference
        IOHIDDeviceCallback inIOHIDDeviceCallback,  // Pointer to the callback routine
        void *              inContext);             // Pointer to be passed to the callback
// Registers a routine to be called when any currently enumerated device is removed.
// This routine will be called when a (matching) device is disconnected.
void IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceRemovalCallback(
        IOHIDManagerRef     inIOHIDManagerRef,      // HID Manager reference
        IOHIDDeviceCallback inIOHIDDeviceCallback,  // Pointer to the callback routine
        void *              inContext);             // Pointer to be passed to the callback

Listing 2-5  Examples of HID device matching & removal callback routines

// this will be called when the HID Manager matches a new (hot plugged) HID device
static void Handle_DeviceMatchingCallback(
            void *          inContext,       // context from IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback
            IOReturn        inResult,        // the result of the matching operation
            void *          inSender,        // the IOHIDManagerRef for the new device
            IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef // the new HID device
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, device: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, (void*) inIOHIDDeviceRef);
}   // Handle_DeviceMatchingCallback
// this will be called when a HID device is removed (unplugged)
static void Handle_RemovalCallback(
                void *         inContext,       // context from IOHIDManagerRegisterDeviceMatchingCallback
                IOReturn       inResult,        // the result of the removing operation
                void *         inSender,        // the IOHIDManagerRef for the device being removed
                IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef // the removed HID device
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, device: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, (void*) inIOHIDDeviceRef);
}   // Handle_RemovalCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

Scheduling the HID Manager on a Run Loop

Before HID Manager callback routines can be dispatched the HID Manager reference must first be scheduled with a run loop:

// Schedule HID Manager with run loop
void IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFRunLoopRef    inRunLoop,          // Run loop to be used when scheduling asynchronous activity
        CFStringRef     inRunLoopMode);     // Run loop mode to be used when scheduling

This formally associates the HID Manager with the client's run loop. This schedule will propagate to all HID devices that are currently enumerated and to new HID devices as they are matched by the HID Manager.

Listing 2-6  Scheduling a HID Manager with the current run loop

        IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(inIOHIDManagerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

There is a corresponding function to unschedule a HID Manager reference from a run loop:

void IOHIDManagerUnscheduleFromRunLoop(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFRunLoopRef    inRunLoop,          // Run loop to be used when unscheduling asynchronous activity
        CFStringRef     inRunLoopMode);     // Run loop mode to be used when unscheduling

Listing 2-7  Unscheduling a HID Manager from a run loop

IOHIDManagerUnscheduleFromRunLoop(managerRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

Now we're ready to open the HID Manager reference.

// Open a HID Manager reference
IOReturn IOHIDManagerOpen(
            IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
            IOOptionBits    inOptions);         // Option bits

This will open all matching HID devices. It returns kIOReturnSuccess if successful. Currently the only valid options (second parameter) are kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone or kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice (which forces exclusive access for all matching devices).

If there is a device matching callback routine registered when IOHIDManagerOpen is called then this routine will be called once for each HID device currently connected that matches the current matching criteria. This routine will also be called when new devices that match the current matching criteria are connected to the computer (but only if the HID Manager reference is still open).

Listing 2-8  Opening a HID Manager reference

// open it
IOReturn tIOReturn = IOHIDManagerOpen(managerRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

Once a HID Manager reference has been opened it may be closed by using the IOHIDManagerClose function:

// Closes the IOHIDManager
IOReturn IOHIDManagerClose(IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
                            IOOptionBits    inOptions);        // Option bits

This will also close all devices that are currently enumerated. The options are propagated to the HID device close function.

Registering Value Callbacks

Once a connection to the HID manager is open, developers may register a routine to be called when input values change:

// Register a routine to be called when an input value changes
void IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback(
        IOHIDManagerRef     inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        IOHIDValueCallback  inCallback,         // Pointer to the callback routine
        void *              inContext);         // Pointer to be passed to the callback

The registered callback routine will be called when the HID value of any element of type kIOHIDElementTypeInput changes for all matching HID devices.

See Listing 2-6 for more information.

Listing 2-9  Registering for an input value callback

IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback(managerRef, Handle_IOHIDInputValueCallback, context);

This routine will be called when an input value changes for any input element for all matching devices.

Listing 2-10  Example input value callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDInputValueCallback(
                void *          inContext,      // context from IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,       // completion result for the input value operation
                void *          inSender,       // the IOHIDManagerRef
                IOHIDValueRef   inIOHIDValueRef // the new element value
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, value: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, (void*) inIOHIDValueRef);
}   // Handle_IOHIDInputValueCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

void IOHIDManagerSetInputValueMatching(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFDictionaryRef inMatchingDictRef); // single dictionary containing
                                            // element matching criteria.
// Sets multiple matching criteria (array of dictionaries)
// for the input value callback.
void IOHIDManagerSetInputValueMatchingMultiple(
        IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
        CFArrayRef      inCFArrayRef);      // array of dictionaries containing
                                            // element matching criteria.

The matching keys for HID elements are prefixed by kIOHIDElement. They are declared in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>. See Listing 2-31 for more information.

The IOHIDManagerGetProperty and IOHIDManagerSetProperty functions are available to access the HID Manager's properties:

// Obtains a property of a HIDManagerRef
CFTypeRef IOHIDManagerGetProperty(
            IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
            CFStringRef     inKeyCFStringRef);  // CFStringRef for the key
// Sets a property for a HIDManagerRef
void IOHIDManagerSetProperty(
            IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef,  // HID Manager reference
            CFStringRef     inKeyCFStringRef,   // CFStringRef for the key
            CFTypeRef       inValueCFTypeRef);  // the HID value for the property

Currently there are not any default HID Manager properties set by the system. However since HID Manager properties are propagated to all HID devices as they are enumerated (matched) this might be a convient way to set default HID device property values.

Listing 2-11  Accessing HID Manager properties

CFTypeRef tCFTypeRef = IOHIDManagerGetProperty(managerRef, key);
IOHIDManagerSetProperty(managerRef, key, tCFTypeRef);

To determine what devices match the current matching criteria use IOHIDManagerCopyDevices:

CFSetRef IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(IOHIDManagerRef inIOHIDManagerRef);    // HID Manager reference

The parameter is a HID Manager reference. This call returns a Core Foundation set (CFSetRef) of IOHIDDeviceRef objects.

Listing 2-12  Getting the set of matching HID device references

CFSetRef tCFSetRef = IOHIDManagerCopyDevices(managerRef);

The HID device references in the returned set can be obtained by using the CFSetGetValues function or iterated over by using the CFSetApplyFunction function.

HID Device Functions

A CFTypeRef object can be verified to be a HID device reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against IOHIDDeviceGetTypeID:

Listing 2-13  Validating a HID device reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDDeviceGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a valid HID device reference

Once you have a valid HID device reference the IOHIDDeviceGetProperty function can be used to access its properties (manufacturer, vendor, product IDs, and so on) using the HID device keys defined in <IOKit/HID/IOHIDKeys.h>. See Listing 2-2 for more information.

Listing 2-14  Examples of getting HID device properties

// Get a HID device's transport (string)
CFStringRef IOHIDDevice_GetTransport(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef)
    return IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(inIOHIDDeviceRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDTransportKey));
// function to get a long device property
// returns FALSE if the property isn't found or can't be converted to a long
static Boolean IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(
    IOHIDDeviceRef inDeviceRef,     // the HID device reference
    CFStringRef inKey,              // the kIOHIDDevice key (as a CFString)
    long * outValue)                // address where to return the output value
    Boolean result = FALSE;
    CFTypeRef tCFTypeRef = IOHIDDeviceGetProperty(inDeviceRef, inKey);
    if (tCFTypeRef) {
        // if this is a number
        if (CFNumberGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef)) {
            // get its value
            result = CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) tCFTypeRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, outValue);
    return result;
}   // IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty
// Get a HID device's vendor ID (long)
long IOHIDDevice_GetVendorID(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef)
    long result = 0;
    (void) IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(inIOHIDDeviceRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDVendorIDKey), &result);
    return result;
} // IOHIDDevice_GetVendorID
// Get a HID device's product ID (long)
long IOHIDDevice_GetProductID(IOHIDDeviceRef inIOHIDDeviceRef)
    long result = 0;
    (void) IOHIDDevice_GetLongProperty(inIOHIDDeviceRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDProductIDKey), &result);
    return result;
} // IOHIDDevice_GetProductID

Determining Suitability

There is a convenience function that will scan a device's application collection elements to determine if the device conforms to a specified usage page and usage:

Boolean IOHIDDeviceConformsTo(IOHIDDeviceRef   inIOHIDDeviceRef,  // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                                uint32_t        inUsagePage,      // the usage page to test conformance with
                                uint32_t        inUsage);         // the usage to test conformance with

Some examples of application collection usage pairs are:

  • usagePage = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, usage = kHIDUsage_GD_Mouse

  • usagePage = kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, usage = kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard

Before you can communicate with a HID device it has to be opened; Opened HID device references should be closed when communications are complete. Here are the functions to open and close a HID device reference:

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceOpen(IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef, // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                          IOOptionBits    inOptions);      // Option bits to be sent down to the HID device
IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClose(IOHIDDeviceRef  IOHIDDeviceRef,  // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                          IOOptionBits    inOptions);      // Option bits to be sent down to the HID device

On the IOHIDDeviceOpen call developers may pass kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone or kIOHIDOptionsTypeSeizeDevice option to request exclusive access to the HID device. Both functions return kIOReturnSuccess if successful.

Obtaining Elements for a Device

To obtain the HID elements associated with a specific device use the IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements function:

// return the HID elements that match the criteria contained in the matching dictionary
CFArrayRef IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(
                IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,       // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                CFDictionaryRef inMatchingCFDictRef,    // the matching dictionary
                IOOptionBits    inOptions);             // Option bits

The first parameter is the HID Manager reference. The second parameter is a matching dictionary (which may be NULL to return all elements). The third parameter contains any option bits (currently unused, pass kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone). This API returns a CFArrayRef object containing IOHIDElementRef objects. Developers may then use CFArrayGetValueAtIndex function to retrieve a specific IOHIDElementRef object, CFArrayGetValues to retrieve all IOHIDElementRef objects or CFSetApplyFunction to iterate all IOHIDElementRef objects in this array.

The matching keys for HID elements are prefixed by kIOHIDElement. They are declared in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>. See Listing 2-31 for more information.

Listing 2-15  IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements examples

// to return all elements for a device
CFArrayRef elementCFArrayRef = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(deviceRef, NULL, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
// to return all elements with usage page keyboard
// create a dictionary to add element properties to
CFMutableDictionaryRef tCFDictRef = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(
    kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
if (tCFDictRef) {
    // Add key for element usage page to matching dictionary
    int usagePage = kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard;
    CFNumberRef pageCFNumberRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usagePage);
    if (pageCFNumberRef) {
        CFDictionarySetValue(tCFDictRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey), pageCFNumberRef);
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFNumberCreate(usage page) failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
} else {
    fprintf(stderr, "%s: CFDictionaryCreateMutable failed.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
if (tCFDictRef) {
    CFArrayRef elementCFArrayRef = IOHIDDeviceCopyMatchingElements(
        deviceRef, tCFDictRef, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);

Registering for Unplug Notifications

Callbacks can be registered that will be called when a HID device is unplugged, when input values change, when input reports are received, or when asynchronous get and set value and report functions complete. (These callbacks are documented below.) Before these HID device callbacks are dispatched, however, the HID device must be scheduled with a run loop.

Listing 2-16  Scheduling a HID device with a run loop

    IOHIDDeviceScheduleWithRunLoop(inIOHIDDeviceRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

There is a corresponding function to unschedule a HID device from a run loop:

Listing 2-17  Unscheduling a HID device from a run loop

IOHIDDeviceUnscheduleFromRunLoop(deviceRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

To register a routine to be called when a HID device is removed:

Listing 2-18  Registering a HID device removal callback routine

IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback(deviceRef, Handle_IOHIDDeviceRemovalCallback, context);

Listing 2-19  HID device removal callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceRemovalCallback(
                void *      inContext,  // context from IOHIDDeviceRegisterRemovalCallback
                IOReturn    inResult,   // the result of the removal
                void *      inSender    // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device being removed
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceRemovalCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

Registering for Value Change Notifications

To register a routine to be called when an input value is changed by a HID device:

Listing 2-20  Registering a HID device input value callback routine

IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback(deviceRef, Handle_IOHIDDeviceInputValueCallback, context);

The first parameter is a HID device reference. The second parameter is the callback routine. The third parameter is a user context parameter that is passed to that callback routine.

Listing 2-21  HID device input value callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceInputValueCallback(
                void *          inContext,      // context from IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputValueCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,       // completion result for the input value operation
                void *          inSender,       // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device this element is from
                IOHIDValueRef   inIOHIDValueRef // the new element value
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, value: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, (void*) inIOHIDValueRef);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceInputValueCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

To limit the element value changes reported by this callback to specific HID elements, an element matching dictionary (single criteria) or array of matching dictionaries (multiple criteria) may be set using the IOHIDDeviceSetInputValueMatching or IOHIDDeviceSetInputValueMatchingMultiple functions.

// Sets single element matching criteria (dictionary) for the
// input value callback.
void IOHIDDeviceSetInputValueMatching(
        IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,    // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
        CFDictionaryRef inMatchingDictRef);  // single dictionary containing
                                             // element matching criteria.
// Sets multiple matching criteria (array of dictionaries) for the
// input value callback.
void IOHIDDeviceSetInputValueMatchingMultiple(
        IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,   // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
        CFArrayRef      inCFArrayRef);      // array of dictionaries containing
                                            // element matching criteria.

The matching keys for HID elements are prefixed by kIOHIDElement. They are declared in <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>. See Listing 2-31 for more information.

Registering for Input Report Notifications

To register a routine to be called when an input report is issued by a HID device:

Listing 2-22  Registering a HID device input report callback routine

CFIndex reportSize = 64;    // note: this should be greater than or equal to the size of the report
uint8_t report = malloc(reportSize);
IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback(deviceRef,           // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                                        report,             // pointer to the report data (uint8_t's)
                                        reportSize,         // number of bytes in the report (CFIndex)
                                        Handle_IOHIDDeviceIOHIDReportCallback,   // the callback routine
                                        context);           // context passed to callback

The first parameter is a HID device reference. The second is the address where to store the input report. The third parameter is the address of the callback routine. The last parameter is a user context parameter that is passed to that callback routine.

The report buffer should be large enough to store the largest report that can be expected to be received from the HID device. This size can be obtained by passing kIOHIDMaxInputReportSizeKey as the key to IOHIDDeviceGetProperty.

Listing 2-23  HID device input report callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceIOHIDReportCallback(
                void *          inContext,          // context from IOHIDDeviceRegisterInputReportCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,           // completion result for the input report operation
                void *          inSender,           // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device this report is from
                IOHIDReportType inType,             // the report type
                uint32_t        inReportID,         // the report ID
                uint8_t *       inReport,           // pointer to the report data
                CFIndex         InReportLength)     // the actual size of the input report
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p," \
            "type: %d, id: %p, report: %p, length: %d).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender,
        (long) inType, inReportID, inReport, inReportLength);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceIOHIDReportCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

Getting and Setting Output or Feature Values

To set the HID value of a single output or feature type element the IOHIDDeviceSetValue (synchronous) or IOHIDDeviceSetValueWithCallback (asynchronous) functions may be used. (to set multiple values consider using reports or transactions):

// synchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetValue(
                            deviceRef,      // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            elementRef,     // IOHIDElementRef for the HID element
                            valueRef);      // IOHIDValueRef for the HID element's new value
// asynchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetValueWithCallback(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            elementRef,         // IOHIDElementRef for the HID element
                            valueRef,           // IOHIDValueRef for the HID element's new value
                            tCFTimeInterval,    // timeout duration
                            Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetValueCallback,  // the callback routine
                            context);           // context passed to callback

The first parameter is a HID device reference. The second is a HID element reference. The third parameter is a HID value reference. For the asynchronous version, the fourth parameter is a timeout, the fifth parameter is the callback routine, and the last parameter is a context pointer that is passed to that callback routine.

Listing 2-24  HID device set value callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetValueCallback(
                void *          inContext,          // context from IOHIDDeviceSetValueWithCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,           // completion result for the set value operation
                void *          inSender,           // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device
                IOHIDValueRef   inIOHIDValueRef)    // the HID element value
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, value: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, inIOHIDValueRef);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetValueCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

To get the HID value of a single element the IOHIDDeviceGetValue (synchronous) or IOHIDDeviceGetValueWithCallback (asynchronous) functions may be used. (To get multiple values consider using reports or transactions.) For input type elements the synchronous function returns immediately; for feature type elements it will block until the get value report has been issued to the HID device.

// synchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetValue(
                            deviceRef,  // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            elementRef, // IOHIDElementRef for the HID element
                            valueRef);  // IOHIDValueRef for the HID element's new value
// asynchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetValueWithCallback(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            elementRef,         // IOHIDElementRef for the HID element
                            valueRef,           // IOHIDValueRef for the HID element's new value
                            tCFTimeInterval,    // timeout duration
                            Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetValueCallback,  // the callback routine
                            context);           // context passed to callback

For both of these functions the first parameter is a HID device reference. The second is a HID element reference. The third parameter is a HID value reference. For the asynchronous version, the fourth parameter is a timeout, the fifth parameter is a callback routine, and the last parameter is a context pointer that is passed to that callback routine.

Listing 2-25  HID device get value callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetValueCallback(
                void *          inContext,          // context from IOHIDDeviceGetValueWithCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,           // completion result for the get value operation
                void *          inSender,           // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device
                IOHIDValueRef   inIOHIDValueRef)    // the HID element value
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, value: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender, inIOHIDValueRef);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetValueCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

Getting and Setting HID Reports

USB data is transferred to and from HID devices packetized into reports. These reports consist of one or more element fields usually contained in a hierarchy of collections. Developers who understand how elements are packaged into reports can use the IOHIDDeviceGetReport, IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback, IOHIDDeviceSetReport, and IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback functions to talk directly with HID devices. Developers unfamiliar with how HID reports are constructed may use the HID transaction functions. See HID Transaction Functions for more information.

To send a report to a HID device the IOHIDDeviceSetReport (synchronous) or IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback (asynchronous) functions should be used:

Listing 2-26  Sending a HID Report

CFIndex reportSize = 64;
uint8_t report = malloc(reportSize);
// synchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReport(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            tIOHIDReportType,   // IOHIDReportType for the report
                            reportID,           // CFIndex for the report ID
                            report,             // address of report buffer
                            reportLength);      // length of the report
// asynchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            tIOHIDReportType,   // IOHIDReportType for the report
                            reportID,           // CFIndex for the report ID
                            report,             // address of report buffer
                            reportLength,       // length of the report
                            tCFTimeInterval,    // timeout duration
                            Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetReportCallback,  // the callback routine
                            context);           // context passed to callback

For both of these functions the first parameter is a HID device reference. The second parameter is an IOHIDReportType object for the report. The third parameter is the report ID. The fourth parameter is the address of the report buffer. The fifth parameter is the size of the report being sent. For the asynchronous version, the sixth parameter is a timeout, the seventh parameter is a callback routine, and the last parameter is a context pointer that is passed to that callback routine:

Listing 2-27  HID device set report callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetReportCallback(
                void *          inContext,          // context from IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,           // completion result for the set value operation
                void *          inSender,           // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device this report is from
                IOHIDReportType inIOHIDReportType,  // the report type
                uint32_t        inReportID,         // the report ID
                uint8_t*        inReport,           // the address of the report
                CFIndex         inReportLength)     // the length of the report
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, "  \
            "type: %d, id: %d, report: %p, length: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender,
        inIOHIDReportType, inReportID, inReport, inReportLength);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceSetReportCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

To request a report from a HID device, you should use the IOHIDDeviceGetReport (synchronous) or IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback (asynchronous) functions as shown below:

Listing 2-28  IOHIDDeviceGetReport and IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback

// synchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetReport(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            tIOHIDReportType,   // IOHIDReportType for the report
                            reportID,           // CFIndex for the report ID
                            report,             // address of report buffer
                            &reportSize);       // address of length of the report
// asynchronous
IOReturn  tIOReturn = IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback(
                            deviceRef,          // IOHIDDeviceRef for the HID device
                            tIOHIDReportType,   // IOHIDReportType for the report
                            reportID,           // CFIndex for the report ID
                            report,             // address of report buffer
                            &reportSize,        // address of length of the report
                            tCFTimeInterval,    // timeout duration
                            Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetReportCallback,  // the callback routine
                            context);           // context passed to callback

For both of these functions, the first parameter is a HID device reference. The second is an IOHIDReportType for the report. The third parameter is the report ID. The fourth parameter is the address of the report buffer. The fifth parameter should be the address of a CFIndex variable. Initially, you should set the value of this CFIndex variable to be the size of the report you are requesting. On return, the new value in that variable is the size of the returned report. For the asynchronous version, the sixth parameter is a timeout, the seventh parameter is a callback routine, and the last parameter is a context pointer that is passed to the callback routine.

Listing 2-29  HID device get report callback routine

static void Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetReportCallback(
                void *          inContext,          // context from IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback
                IOReturn        inResult,           // completion result for the get report operation
                void *          inSender,           // IOHIDDeviceRef of the device this report is from
                IOHIDReportType inIOHIDReportType,  // the report type
                uint32_t        inReportID,         // the report ID
                uint8_t*        inReport,           // the address of the report
                CFIndex         inReportLength)     // the length of the report
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p, "  \
            "type: %d, id: %d, report: %p, length: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender,
        inIOHIDReportType, inReportID, inReport, inReportLength);
}   // Handle_IOHIDDeviceGetReportCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

Working With HID Elements

A CFTypeRef can be verified to be a HID element reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against IOHIDElementGetTypeID:

Listing 2-30  Validating a HID element reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDElementGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a valid HID element reference

Once a valid HID element reference is available, the IOHIDElementGetProperty function may be used to access its properties (type, usage page and usage, and so on) using the HID element keys defined in <IOKit/HID/IOHIDKeys.h>:

Listing 2-31  HID element keys

From <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>:
#define kIOHIDElementCookieKey                      "ElementCookie"
#define kIOHIDElementTypeKey                        "Type"
#define kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeKey              "CollectionType"
#define kIOHIDElementUsageKey                       "Usage"
#define kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey                   "UsagePage"
#define kIOHIDElementMinKey                         "Min"
#define kIOHIDElementMaxKey                         "Max"
#define kIOHIDElementScaledMinKey                   "ScaledMin"
#define kIOHIDElementScaledMaxKey                   "ScaledMax"
#define kIOHIDElementSizeKey                        "Size"
#define kIOHIDElementReportSizeKey                  "ReportSize"
#define kIOHIDElementReportCountKey                 "ReportCount"
#define kIOHIDElementReportIDKey                    "ReportID"
#define kIOHIDElementIsArrayKey                     "IsArray"
#define kIOHIDElementIsRelativeKey                  "IsRelative"
#define kIOHIDElementIsWrappingKey                  "IsWrapping"
#define kIOHIDElementIsNonLinearKey                 "IsNonLinear"
#define kIOHIDElementHasPreferredStateKey           "HasPreferredState"
#define kIOHIDElementHasNullStateKey                "HasNullState"
#define kIOHIDElementFlagsKey                       "Flags"
#define kIOHIDElementUnitKey                        "Unit"
#define kIOHIDElementUnitExponentKey                "UnitExponent"
#define kIOHIDElementNameKey                        "Name"
#define kIOHIDElementValueLocationKey               "ValueLocation"
#define kIOHIDElementDuplicateIndexKey              "DuplicateIndex"
#define kIOHIDElementParentCollectionKey            "ParentCollection"
#define kIOHIDElementVendorSpecificKey              "VendorSpecific"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationMinKey              "CalibrationMin"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationMaxKey              "CalibrationMax"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMinKey    "CalibrationSaturationMin"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMaxKey    "CalibrationSaturationMax"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMinKey      "CalibrationDeadZoneMin"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMaxKey      "CalibrationDeadZoneMax"
#define kIOHIDElementCalibrationGranularityKey      "CalibrationGranularity"

All the kIOHIDElementCalibration***Key properties are accessible via the IOHIDElementGetProperty and IOHIDElementSetProperty functions.

Listing 2-32  Passing HID element keys to the Get/Set Property functions

IOHIDElementGetProperty(element, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementTypeKey), &tCFNumberRef);

Here are two functions that can be used to get or set long properties:

Listing 2-33  Examples of how to get or set long HID element properties

static Boolean IOHIDElement_GetLongProperty(
    IOHIDElementRef inElementRef,   // the HID element
    CFStringRef inKey,              // the kIOHIDElement key (as a CFString)
    long * outValue)                // address where to return the output value
    Boolean result = FALSE;
    CFTypeRef tCFTypeRef = IOHIDElementGetProperty(inElementRef, inKey);
    if (tCFTypeRef) {
        // if this is a number
        if (CFNumberGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef)) {
            // get its value
            result = CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) tCFTypeRef, kCFNumberSInt32Type, outValue);
    return result;
static void IOHIDElement_SetLongProperty(
    IOHIDElementRef inElementRef,   // the HID element
    CFStringRef inKey,              // the kIOHIDElement key (as a CFString)
    long inValue)                   // the long value to be set
    CFNumberRef tCFNumberRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &inValue);
    if (tCFNumberRef) {
        IOHIDElementSetProperty(inElementRef, inKey, tCFNumberRef);
// access the kIOHIDElementVendorSpecificKey if it exists:
long longValue;
if (IOHIDElement_GetLongProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementVendorSpecificKey), &longValue)) {
    printf("Element 0x%08lX has a vendor specific key of value 0x%08lX.\n", elementRef, longValue);

There are convenience functions to retrieve many of these element properties directly:

Listing 2-34  HID element property functions

// IOHIDElementCookie represent a unique identifier for a HID element within a HID device.
IOHIDElementCookie cookie = IOHIDElementGetCookie(elementRef);
// return the collection type:
//  kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Misc         = 1,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button       = 2,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis         = 3,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeInput_ScanCodes    = 4,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeOutput             = 129,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeFeature            = 257,
//  kIOHIDElementTypeCollection         = 513
IOHIDElementType tType = IOHIDElementGetType(elementRef);
// If the HID element type is of type kIOHIDElementTypeCollection then
// the collection type is one of:
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypePhysical         = 0x00,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeApplication      = 0x01,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeLogical          = 0x02,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeReport           = 0x03,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeNamedArray       = 0x04,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeUsageSwitch      = 0x05,
//  kIOHIDElementCollectionTypeUsageModifier    = 0x06
IOHIDElementCollectionType collectionType = IOHIDElementGetCollectionType(elementRef);
// usage and usage pages are defined on the USB website at: <>
uint32_t page = IOHIDElementGetUsagePage(elementRef);
uint32_t usage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(elementRef);
// Boolean properties
Boolean isVirtual = IOHIDElementIsVirtual(elementRef);
Boolean isRelative = IOHIDElementIsRelative(elementRef);
Boolean isWrapping = IOHIDElementIsWrapping(elementRef);
Boolean isArray = IOHIDElementIsArray(elementRef);
Boolean isNonLinear = IOHIDElementIsNonLinear(elementRef);
Boolean hasPreferred = IOHIDElementHasPreferredState(elementRef);
Boolean hasNullState = IOHIDElementHasNullState(elementRef);
// the HID element name
CFStringRef name = IOHIDElementGetName(elementRef);
// element report information
uint32_t reportID = IOHIDElementGetReportID(elementRef);
uint32_t reportSize = IOHIDElementGetReportSize(elementRef);
uint32_t reportCount = IOHIDElementGetReportCount(elementRef);
// element unit & exponent
uint32_t unit = IOHIDElementGetUnit(elementRef);
uint32_t unitExp = IOHIDElementGetUnitExponent(elementRef);
// logical & physical minimums & maximums
CFIndex logicalMin = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(elementRef);
CFIndex logicalMax = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(elementRef);
CFIndex physicalMin = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMin(elementRef);
CFIndex physicalMax = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMax(elementRef);

There are also functions to determine the device, parent, and child of a specified HID element:

Listing 2-35  HID element hierarchy functions

// return the HID device that a element belongs to
IOHIDDeviceRef deviceRef = IOHIDElementGetDevice(elementRef);
// return the collection element that a HID element belongs to (if any)
IOHIDElementRef elementRef = IOHIDElementGetParent(elementRef);
// return the child elements of a collection element (if any)
CFArrayRef tCFArrayRef = IOHIDElementGetChildren(elementRef);

HID Queue Functions

While developers can use the IOHIDDeviceGetValue to get the most recent value of a HID element, for some elements this is not sufficient. If it is necessary to keep track of all value changes of a HID element, rather than just the most recent one, developers can create a queue and add the HID elements of interest to it. After doing so, all value change events involving those elements are captured by the HID queue (up to the depth of the HID queue).

HID queue references (IOHIDQueueRef objects) are used to communicate with the HID queues. They are created by using the IOHIDQueueCreate function:

// Create HID queue reference
IOHIDQueueRef IOHIDQueueCreate(
                    CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
                    IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,   // the HID device to be associated with this queue
                    CFIndex         inDepth,            // the maximum number of values to queue
                    IOOptionBits    inOptions)          // options (currently reserved)

The first parameter is a CFAllocatorRef object to be used when allocating the returned IOHIDQueueRef. The second parameter is the HID device to be associated with this queue. The third parameter is the maximum depth of the HID queue. The last parameter (options) is currently reserved for future use. Developers should pass kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone (zero) for this parameter.

There is no IOHIDQueueDestroy (or release, free, and so on). Because the HID queue reference is a Core Foundation object reference, CFRelease should be used to dispose of it.

A CFTypeRef can be verified to be a HID queue reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against IOHIDQueueGetTypeID:

Listing 2-36  Validating a HID queue reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDQueueGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a valid HID queue reference!

Once a HID queue reference has been created, it has to be started before it can be used to access the HID devices associated with it.

void IOHIDQueueStart(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef);

The corresponding function to stop a HID queue is:

void IOHIDQueueStop(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef);

To determine the HID device associated with a specific HID queue use the IOHIDQueueGetDevice function:

IOHIDDeviceRef IOHIDQueueGetDevice(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef);

There are accessor function to get and set the HID queue's depth:

CFIndex IOHIDQueueGetDepth(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef);
void IOHIDQueueSetDepth(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef, CFIndex inDepth);

HID elements can be added and removed by using these functions:

void IOHIDQueueAddElement(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);
void IOHIDQueueRemoveElement(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

To determine if a HID element has been added to a HID queue use this function:

Boolean IOHIDQueueContainsElement(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef, IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef);

Once a HID queue has been created, HID elements have been added, and the queue has been started, HID values can then be dequeued with one of these functions:

IOHIDValueRef IOHIDQueueCopyNextValue(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef);
IOHIDValueRef IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout(IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef, CFTimeInterval inTimeout);

To avoid polling the HID queue for HID value changes developers can instead register a callback routine:

void IOHIDQueueRegisterValueAvailableCallback(
                                IOHIDQueueRef inIOHIDQueueRef,   // reference to the HID queue
                                IOHIDCallback inCallback,        // address of the callback routine
                                void *        inContext);        // context passed to callback

The functions to schedule and unschedule a HID queue from a run loop are:

// Schedule a HID queue with a runloop
void IOHIDQueueScheduleWithRunLoop(IOHIDQueueRef       inIOHIDQueueRef,     // reference to the HID queue
                                    CFRunLoopRef        inRunLoop,          // Run loop to be scheduled with
                                    CFStringRef         inRunLoopMode);     // Run loop mode for scheduling
// Unschedule a HID queue from a runloop
void IOHIDQueueUnscheduleFromRunLoop(
                        IOHIDQueueRef   inIOHIDQueueRef,    // reference to the HID queue
                        CFRunLoopRef    inRunLoop,          // Run loop to be unscheduling from
                        CFStringRef     inRunLoopMode);     // Run loop mode for unscheduling

Listing 2-37  Scheduling a HID queue with a run loop

IOHIDQueueScheduleWithRunLoop(inIOHIDQueueRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

Listing 2-38  HID queue value available callback routine

static void Handle_ValueAvailableCallback(
                void *   inContext, // context from IOHIDQueueRegisterValueAvailableCallback
                IOReturn inResult,  // the inResult
                void *   inSender,  // IOHIDQueueRef of the queue
) {
    printf("%s(context: %p, result: %p, sender: %p).\n",
        __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, inContext, (void *) inResult, inSender);
    do {
        IOHIDValueRef valueRef = IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout((IOHIDQueueRef) inSender, 0.);
        if (!valueRef) break;
        // process the HID value reference
        CFRelease(valueRef);    // Don't forget to release our HID value reference
    } while (1) ;
}   // Handle_ValueAvailableCallback

The inResult callback parameter contains the error result of the operation that is calling the callback. You should check the return value, and if it is nonzero, handle the failure accordingly.

HID Transaction Functions

Lower-level APIs such as IOHIDDeviceGetReport, IOHIDDeviceGetReportWithCallback, IOHIDDeviceSetReport, and IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback require you to know how HID device descriptors are used in order to define the reports sent to and received from HID devices. See Listing 2-28 and Listing 2-26 for more information about these functions.

HID transactions are an abstraction layered on top of these lower-level APIs. HID transactions allow you to assemble a transaction, add the relevant values, set default values, and commit the transaction (which forces a report to be sent across the USB bus).

To build a transaction, you first must create a HID transaction reference by calling the IOHIDTransactionCreate function:

IOHIDTransactionRef IOHIDTransactionCreate(
                        CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
                        IOHIDDeviceRef  inIOHIDDeviceRef,   // the HID device for this transaction
                        IOHIDTransactionDirectionType   inDirection,  // The direction: in or out
                        IOOptionBits    inOptions);         // options (currently reserved)

The first parameter is a CFAllocatorRef allocator to be used when allocating the returned IOHIDTransactionRef object. The second parameter is the HID device to be associated with this transaction. The third parameter is the direction for the transfer (kIOHIDTransactionDirectionTypeInput or kIOHIDTransactionDirectionTypeOutput). The last parameter (options) is currently reserved for future use. Developers should pass kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone (zero) for this parameter.

There is no IOHIDTransactionDestroy (or release, free, and so on). Because the HID transaction reference is a Core Foundation object reference, you should call CFRelease to dispose of it.

A CFTypeRef object can be verified to be a HID transaction reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against the return value of the IOHIDTransactionGetTypeID function:

Listing 2-39  Validating a HID transaction reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDTransactionGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a valid HID transaction reference!

There are convenience functions to get the HID device associated with a HID transaction and to get or set the direction for a HID transaction:

// Obtain the HID device associated with a transaction
IOHIDDeviceRef IOHIDTransactionGetDevice(
                                    IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef); // HID transaction reference
// Obtain the direction of the transaction.
IOHIDTransactionDirectionType IOHIDTransactionGetDirection(
                                    IOHIDTransactionRef IOHIDTransactionRef);   // HID transaction reference
// Sets the direction of the transaction
void IOHIDTransactionSetDirection(IOHIDTransactionRef IOHIDTransactionRef,      // HID transaction reference
                                   IOHIDTransactionDirectionType direction);    // The direction: in or out

Once a HID transaction has been created then the HID elements associated with it may be added by using the IOHIDTransactionAddElement function:

void IOHIDTransactionAddElement(
            IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // HID transaction reference
            IOHIDElementRef     inIOHIDElementRef);     // the HID element to associate with this transaction

HID Elements may be removed from a HID transaction by using the IOHIDTransactionRemoveElement function:

void IOHIDTransactionRemoveElement(
            IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // HID transaction reference
            IOHIDElementRef     inIOHIDElementRef);     // the HID element to associate with this transaction

To determine if a HID element is currently associated with a HID transaction the IOHIDTransactionContainsElement function may be used:

// Queries the transaction to determine if elemement has been added.
Boolean IOHIDTransactionContainsElement(
                    IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef, // HID transaction reference
                    IOHIDElementRef     inIOHIDElementRef);    // the HID element to test for

To set the HID values associated with the HID elements in a HID transaction use the IOHIDTransactionSetValue functions:

void IOHIDTransactionSetValue(IOHIDTransactionRef  inIOHIDTransactionRef,   // HID transaction reference
                                IOHIDElementRef     inIOHIDElementRef,      // the HID element
                                IOHIDValueRef       inIOHIDValueRef,        // the HID element value
                                IOOptionBits        inOptions);             // options

The HID value set is pended until the transaction is committed. This value is only used if the transaction direction is kIOHIDTransactionDirectionTypeOutput. Use the kIOHIDTransactionOptionDefaultOutputValue option to set the default element values for transactions.

To retrieve the HID values associated with the HID elements in a HID transaction, developers may use the IOHIDTransactionGetValue function:

// Obtains the HID value for a transaction element.
IOHIDValueRef IOHIDTransactionGetValue(
                                IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // HID transaction reference
                                IOHIDElementRef     inIOHIDElementRef,      // the HID element
                                IOOptionBits        inOptions);             // options

If the HID transaction direction is kIOHIDTransactionDirectionTypeInput the HID value represents what was obtained from the HID device from the HID transaction. Otherwise, if the transaction direction is kIOHIDTransactionDirectionTypeOutput the HID value represents the pending value to be sent to the HID device. Use the kIOHIDTransactionOptionDefaultOutputValue option to get the default HID value associated with the HID elements of a HID transaction.

The values for HID elements associated with a HID transaction can be reset to their default values by using the IOHIDTransactionClear function:

// Clears element transaction values.
void IOHIDTransactionClear(IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef);  // HID transaction reference

Once all the appropriate HID elements have been added to a HID transaction (and values set for output transactions) then in order to cause the actual bus transaction to occur they should be committed by using one of the two following functions:

// Synchronously commits element transaction to the HID device.
IOReturn IOHIDTransactionCommit(IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef); // HID transaction reference
// Asynchronously commits element transaction to the HID device.
IOReturn IOHIDTransactionCommitWithCallback(
                        IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // HID transaction reference
                        CFTimeInterval      inTimeout,              // timeout duration
                        IOHIDCallback       inCallback,             // address of the callback routine
                        void *              inContext);             // Pointer to be passed to the callback

For both functions, the first parameter is the HID transaction reference to be committed. For the asynchronous function, the second parameter is a timeout, the third parameter is a callback routine (pass NULL if you want synchronous behavior with a timeout), and the last parameter is a context pointer that is passed to the callback routine.

The functions to schedule and unschedule a HID transaction from a run loop are:

// Schedule a HID transaction with a runloop
void IOHIDTransactionScheduleWithRunLoop(
        IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // reference to the HID transaction
        CFRunLoopRef        inRunLoop,              // Run loop to be scheduled with
        CFStringRef         inRunLoopMode);         // Run loop mode for scheduling
// Unschedule a HID transaction from a runloop
void IOHIDTransactionUnscheduleFromRunLoop(
        IOHIDTransactionRef inIOHIDTransactionRef,  // reference to the HID transaction
        CFRunLoopRef        inRunLoop,              // Run loop to be unscheduling from
        CFStringRef         inRunLoopMode);         // Run loop mode for unscheduling

Listing 2-40  Scheduling a HID transaction with a run loop

IOHIDTransactionScheduleWithRunLoop(inIOHIDTransactionRef, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);

HID Value Functions

HID value references are used by the HID Manager and HID device input value callbacks, the HID device get and set value functions and callbacks, and the HID queue copy value functions (with or without timeout). Three functions are available for creating HID value references:

IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue(
            CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
            IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef,  // the HID element to be associated with this value
            uint64_t        inTimeStamp,        // OS AbsoluteTime
            CFIndex         inValue);           // the integer (32-bit) value used to create this HID value
IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithBytes(
            CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
            IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef,  // the HID element to be associated with this value
            uint64_t        inTimeStamp,        // OS AbsoluteTime
            const uint8_t * inBytes,            // a pointer to the data used to create this HID value
            CFIndex         inLength);          // the length of the data used to create this HID value
IOHIDValueRef IOHIDValueCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
            CFAllocatorRef  inCFAllocatorRef,   // Allocator to be used during creation
            IOHIDElementRef inIOHIDElementRef,  // the HID element to be associated with this value
            uint64_t        inTimeStamp,        // OS AbsoluteTime
            const uint8_t * inBytes,            // a pointer to the data used to create this HID value
            CFIndex         inLength);          // the length of the data used to create this HID value

For all three of these functions the first parameter is a CFAllocatorRef object to be used when allocating the returned IOHIDValueRef. The second parameter is the HID element to be associated with this value. The third parameter is a time stamp. For the IOHIDValueCreateWithIntegerValue function, the last parameter is a CFIndex value. For the last two functions, the fourth parameter is a pointer to the data, and the last parameter is the length of the data.

A CFTypeRef can be verified to be a HID value reference by comparing its Core Foundation type against IOHIDValueGetTypeID:

Listing 2-41  Validating a HID value reference

    if (CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef) == IOHIDValueGetTypeID()) {
        // this is a valid HID value reference!

Convenience functions are provided to access the HID element, time stamp, and integer values associated with HID value objects:

// Returns the HID element value associated with this HID value reference.
IOHIDElementRef IOHIDValueGetElement(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef);
// Returns the timestamp value associated with this HID value reference.
uint64_t IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef);
// Returns an integer representation for this HID value reference.
CFIndex IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef);

Additional functions are provided to access the data and the length of the data associated with a HID value object:

// Returns the size, in bytes, of the data associated with this HID value reference.
CFIndex IOHIDValueGetLength(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef);
// Returns a byte pointer to the data associated with this HID value reference.
const uint8_t * IOHIDValueGetBytePtr(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef)

One additional function exists to return a scaled representation of a HID value object:

// return the scaled value of a HID value reference
double_t IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(IOHIDValueRef inIOHIDValueRef, IOHIDValueScaleType inType);

There are currently two types of scaling that can be applied:

The first two HID element calibration properties define the desired range of the returned scaled value:


The minimum bounds for a calibrated value (default = -1).


The maximum bounds for a calibrated value (default = +1).

For example, the actual raw range of a HID element might go from 0-255, but the developer might want the scaled value to be returned with a range of -32.0 to +32.0. In this example, the min and max calibration values would be set to -32.0 and +32.0, respectively.

The next two HID element calibration properties define the range of expected values:


The minimum value to be used when calibrating a HID value.


The maximum value to be used when calibrating a HID value.

Some HID devices may have elements that can’t return the full range of values defined by their logical min and max value limits. For example, the logical values for an element might be defined as ranging from 0 to 255, but the actual device may actually only be able to return values in the range of 5 to 250. This may be caused by digitization errors, mechanical limits on an encoder, and so on. If these calibration properties are set, then logical values within this range are scaled out to the full logical range for the HID device. In this example, the min and max saturation values would be set to 5 and 250, respectively.

The next two HID element calibration properties define the range of a dead zone (if it exists):


The minimum bounds near the midpoint where values are ignored.


The maximum bounds near the midpoint where values are ignored.

Some HID devices (such as joysticks) have elements that have a mechanical return-to-center feature. Because of mechanical slop, drift, or digitization noise, these elements may not always return the exact same values when the HID element is returned to the center position. For example, an element with a logical range of 0 to 255 might return center values ranging from 124 to 130. If these dead zone properties are set (to 124 and 130, in this case), then any value between these two numbers is returned as the center scaled value (127 in this case).

The last HID element calibration property defines a granularity:


The scale or level of detail returned in a calibrated element value.

For example, if the granularity property is set to 0.1, the returned values after calibration are exact multiples of 0.1: { 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc. }.

Listing 2-42  Setting HID element calibration properties

static void IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(
                                IOHIDElementRef inElementRef,   // the HID element
                                CFStringRef     inKey,          // the kIOHIDElement key (as a CFString)
                                double          inValue)        // the double value to be set
    CFNumberRef tCFNumberRef = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberDoubleType, &inValue);
    if (tCFNumberRef) {
        IOHIDElementSetProperty(inElementRef, inKey, tCFNumberRef);
// These define the range of the returned scaled values
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationMinKey), -32.);
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationMaxKey), +32.);
// these define the range of values expected from the device (logical values)
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMinKey), 5.);
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMaxKey), 250.);
// these define the range of the dead zone (logical values)
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMinKey), 124.);
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMaxKey), 130.);
// this defines the granularity of the returned scaled values
IOHIDElement_SetDoubleProperty(elementRef, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationGranularityKey), 0.1);

Listing 2-43  Pseudo code for the IOHIDValueGetScaledValue function

// first a convenience function to access HID element properties stored as doubles:
static Boolean IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(
    IOHIDElementRef inElementRef,   // the HID element
    CFStringRef inKey,              // the kIOHIDElement key (as a CFString)
    double * outValue)              // address where to return the output value
    Boolean result = FALSE;
    CFTypeRef tCFTypeRef = IOHIDElementGetProperty(inElementRef, inKey);
    if (tCFTypeRef) {
        // if this is a number
        if (CFNumberGetTypeID() == CFGetTypeID(tCFTypeRef)) {
            // get its value
            result = CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) tCFTypeRef, kCFNumberDoubleType, outValue);
    return result;
double_t IOHIDValueGetScaledValue(IOHIDValueRef inValue, IOHIDValueScaleType inType)
    IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(inValue);
    double_t logicalValue = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(inValue);
    double_t logicalMin = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMin(element);
    double_t logicalMax = IOHIDElementGetLogicalMax(element);
    double_t scaledMin = 0;
    double_t scaledMax = 0;
    double_t granularity = 0.;
    double_t returnValue = 0.;
    switch (inType) {
        case kIOHIDValueScaleTypeCalibrated: {
            double_t calibrateMin = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationMinKey), &calibrateMin);
            double_t calibrateMax = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationMaxKey), &calibrateMax);
            // if there are calibration min/max values...
            if (calibrateMin != calibrateMax) {
                // ...use them...
                scaledMin = calibrateMin;
                scaledMax = calibrateMax;
            } else {
                // ...otherwise use +/- 1.0
                scaledMin = -1.;
                scaledMax = +1.;
            double_t saturationMin = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMinKey), &saturationMin);
            double_t saturationMax = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationSaturationMaxKey), &saturationMax);
            // if there are saturation min/max values...
            if (saturationMin != saturationMax) {
                // .. and the logical value is less than the minimum saturated value...
                if (logicalValue <= saturationMin) {
                    // ...then return the minimum scaled value
                    return scaledMin;
                } else
                // otherwise if the logical value is greater than the maximum saturated value...
                if (logicalValue >= saturationMax) {
                    // ...return the maximum scaled value.
                    return scaledMax;
                } else
                // otherwise use the min/max saturated values for the logical min/max
                    logicalMin = saturationMin;
                    logicalMax = saturationMax;
            double_t deadzoneMin = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMinKey), &deadzoneMin);
            double_t deadzoneMax = 0.;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationDeadZoneMaxKey), &deadzoneMax);
            // if there are deadzone min/max values...
            if (deadzoneMin != deadzoneMax) {
                    double_t scaledMid = (scaledMin + scaledMax) / 2.;
                // if the logical value is less than the deadzone min...
                if (logicalValue < deadzoneMin) {
                    // ...then use the deadzone min as our logical max...
                    logicalMax = deadzoneMin;
                    // ...and the middle of our scaled range as our scaled max.
                    scaledMax = scaledMid;
                } // otherwise if the logical value is greater than the deadzone max...
                else if (logicalValue > deadzoneMax) {
                    // ...then use the deadzone max as our logical min...
                    logicalMin = deadzoneMax;
                    // ...and the middle of our scaled range as our scaled min.
                    scaledMin = scaledMid;
                } else {
                    // otherwise return the middle of our scaled range
                    return scaledMid;
            (void) IOHIDElement_GetDoubleProperty(element,
                        CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCalibrationGranularityKey), &granularity);
        case kIOHIDValueScaleTypePhysical: {
            scaledMin = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMin(element);
            scaledMax = IOHIDElementGetPhysicalMax(element);
        default: {
            return returnValue; // should be 0.0
    double_t logicalRange = logicalMax - logicalMin;
    double_t scaledRange = scaledMax - scaledMin;
    returnValue = ((logicalValue - logicalMin) * scaledRange / logicalRange) + scaledMin;
    if (granularity) {
        returnValue = round(returnValue / granularity) * granularity;
    return returnValue;