The Storage Layer: The NSTextStorage Class
An NSTextStorage
object serves as the character data repository for the Cocoa text system. The format for this data is an attributed string, which is a sequence of characters (in Unicode encoding) and the attributes (such as font, color, and paragraph style) that apply to them. The classes that represent attributed strings are NSAttributedString
and NSMutableAttributedString
, of which NSTextStorage
is a subclass. Conceptually, each character in a block of text has a dictionary of keys and values associated with it. A key names an attribute (such as NSFontAttributeName
), and the associated value specifies the characteristics of that attribute (such as Helvetica 12-point
). For more information about attributed strings, see Attributed String Programming Guide. Figure 1 illustrates the NSTextStorage
class, showing its NSMutableAttributedString
component and its additional capabilities.

The NSTextStorage
methods let you operate programmatically on the attributes of the text displayed by the NSTextView
object; for example, your code can iterate through the text, tightening or loosening the kerning for all characters of a certain font and size. An NSTextView
object enables users to affect character attributes through direct action; for example, the user selects some text and reduces the spacing between characters by choosing the Tighten menu command.
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