Presenting a Series of Sheets
Cocoa does not support the notion of cascading, or nested sheets. Per Apple Human Interface Guidelines, “when the user responds to a sheet, and another sheet for that document opens, the first sheet must close before the second one opens.”
Expanding on the sample in Using Alert Sheets, Figure 1 shows a third button added to the alert sheet displayed by deleteSelectedRows:
. This button displays additional information to the user in the form of a custom sheet with additional information.

Listing 1 shows the implementation of the method that creates this alert.
Listing 1 The deleteSelectedRows: method implemented to present a sheet with three buttons
- (BOOL)deleteSelectedRows: (NSWindow *)sender |
{ |
NSBeginAlertSheet( |
@"Do you really want to delete the selected information?", |
// sheet message |
@"Delete", // default button label |
@"More Info", // allow user to check on the delete |
@"Cancel", // other button label |
sender, // window sheet is attached to |
self, // we’ll be our own delegate |
@selector(sheetDidEndShouldDelete:returnCode:contextInfo:), |
// did-end selector |
NULL, // no need for did-dismiss selector |
sender, // context info |
@"There is no undo for this operation.", |
// additional text in sheet |
nil); // no parameters in message |
// We don’t know if the rows should be deleted until the user responds, |
// so don’t. |
return NO; |
} |
The did-end selector is updated to handle the user requesting the additional information. Should the user request the information, the alert sheet is closed prior to presenting the custom sheet:
- (void)sheetDidEndShouldClose: (NSWindow *)sheet |
returnCode: (NSInteger)returnCode |
contextInfo: (void *)contextInfo |
{ |
if (returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn) { |
[sheet close]; |
[self showMoreInfo: (NSWindow *)contextInfo]; |
} |
if (returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn) |
// delete selected rows here |
} |
Creation and display of custom sheets is discussed in Using Custom Sheets.
In a separate nib, a window with the explanatory text and a Close button are defined. The Close button is set to perform the showMoreInfo:
method when clicked. Implementation of the showMoreInfo:
method would be the same as the showCustomSheet:
method shown in Listing 1.
Listing 2 Displaying the custom sheet
- (void)showMoreInfo: (NSWindow *)window |
// User has asked for more information about the delete. Display it. |
{ |
if (!moreInfoSheet) |
[NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"DeleteExpenseInfo" owner: self]; |
[NSApp beginSheet: moreInfoSheet |
modalForWindow: window |
modalDelegate: nil |
didEndSelector: nil |
contextInfo: nil]; |
[NSApp runModalForWindow: moreInfoSheet]; |
// Sheet is up here. |
[NSApp endSheet: moreInfoSheet]; |
[moreInfoSheet orderOut: self]; |
} |
When the user clicks the Close button, the showMoreInfo:
method is executed (this was specified in the nib file when creating the sheet), which stops the application’s modal display of the nested sheet.
Another example of a second sheet that appears as the result of the user clicking a button in a sheet is having a sheet with a progress indicator appear following a Save As dialog.
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