Basic Tasks: Working With Objects and Drawing Text

This chapter provides general guidelines for using ATSUI and provides step-by-step instructions for the basic tasks you can perform with ATSUI. These tasks are described in the following sections:

Before you read this chapter, you should be familiar with the concepts discussed in Typography Concepts and ATSUI Style and Text Layout Objects, ATSUI Style and Text Layout Objects.

This chapter provides a number of code samples to illustrate how to use ATSUI. You can obtain the sample applications from which this code is taken, as well as additional code samples, from the developer sample code website:

Guidelines for Using ATSUI

There are a number of guidelines you should follow to assure optimal performance and efficient memory use when you use ATSUI. This section summarizes them. The sample code in this and the other task chapters follows these guidelines.

Creating Style Objects and Setting Attributes

ATSUI style objects are opaque objects that represent a collection of stylistic attributes. Each attribute is defined by three values (a triple):

To create an ATSUI style object, you must do the following:

  1. Declare storage for the style.

    For example:

    ATSUStyle       gDefaultStyle;
  2. Create the style object.

    You can use the function ATSUCreateStyle. For example:

    OSStatus       status = noErr;
    status = ATSUCreateStyle (&gDefaultStyle);
  3. Set up a triple (tag, size, value) for each attribute associated with the style.

    Typically, you declare three parallel arrays, one for attribute tags, one for sizes, and the third array for the value of the attribute. ATSUI supplies constants that specify attribute tags. For example, the following code sets up two attributes—a font size (kATSUSizeTag) and style (kATSUQDBoldfaceTag):

    ATSUAttributeTag  theTags[] =  {kATSUSizeTag, kATSUQDBoldfaceTag};
    ByteCount        theSizes[] = {sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(Boolean)};
    Fixed   atsuSize = Long2Fix (12);
    Boolean isBold = TRUE;
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&atsuSize, &isBold};

    See Style Objects for more information on the attribute tags that are available in ATSUI.

  4. Associate the attributes with the style object.

    You can use the function ATSUSetAttributes. You pass in the number of attributes you want to set and the three parallel arrays that represent the attribute tags, sizes of the values, and the values themselves, as shown in the following code:

    status = ATSUSetAttributes (gDefaultStyle,

Note that a style object is not associated with any text; it simply specifies a collection of attributes. You can set up style objects for your application once, and then reuse them over and over as needed. For example, you could set up style objects to define such styles as emphasis, heading level, superscript, subscript, and bold.

You can create a style object by copying another style object using the function ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle. Copying a style object is useful if you want to make a set of related styles. For example, if you have already created a style object to define a default font, font size, and font color, you could make an italic style based on the default by calling the following function:

ATSUStyle       italicStyle;
ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle (defaultStyle, &italicStyle);

Then you would set up a triple for the italic attribute:

ATSUAttributeTag    theTags[] =  {kATSUQDItalicTag};
ByteCount           theSizes[] = {sizeof(Boolean)};
Boolean             isItalic = TRUE;
ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&isItalic};

Finally, you associate the italic attribute with the italicStyle object:

status = ATSUSetAttributes (gItalicStyle,

By using the function ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle, the italicStyle object inherits the attributes of the defaultStyle object and has any other attributes you set by calling the function ATSUSetAttributes.

When you are done using a style object, you must call the function ATSUDisposeStyle to dispose of it. For example, to dispose of the italicStyle object, you’d use the following line of code:

ATSUDisposeStyle (italicStyle);

Remember, it’s best to reuse styles rather than to create and dispose of a style each time you need them in your application. You can create all the common styles you need when your application starts up, and dispose of them when your application quits. Listing 3-1 shows code that creates styles prior to the application event loop and disposes of styles when the application event loop terminates.

Listing 3-1  Code that keeps style objects around until the application quits


Once you have created a style object, you can pass it to any ATSUI function that takes a style object as a parameter, such as the function ATSUSetRunStyle. You can pass an array of style objects to such functions as ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr to define the attributes for style runs in a text layout object.

Creating a Text Layout Object and Setting Attributes

ATSUI text layout objects are opaque objects that contain a pointer or handle to a block of Unicode text, style run information, and line and layout controls for the block of text.

To create an ATSUI text layout object, you must do the following:

  1. Declare storage for the text layout.

    For example:

    ATSUTextLayout  myTextLayout;
  2. Create the text layout object by calling the functions ATSUCreateTextLayout or ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr.

    For example, the following code creates a text layout object (myTextLayout) for an entire text buffer (myTextBlock):

    OSStatus       status = noErr;
    UniCharCount length = kATSUToTextEnd;
    status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr ((UniChar*) myTextBlock,
                    kATSUFromTextBeginning,  // offset from beginning
                    kATSUToTextEnd,         // length of text range
                    myTextBlockLength,      // length of text buffer
                    1,                      // number of style runs
                    &length,         // length of the style run

    On output, myTextLayout refers to the newly created text layout object. Note that you own the text in the buffer you pass to the function ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr.

    Each ATSUI text layout can have no more than 64,000 different styles.

  3. Set up a triple (tag, size, value) for each line and layout attribute associated with the text layout.

    Typically, you declare three parallel arrays, one for attribute tags, one for sizes, and the third array for the value of the attribute. ATSUI supplies constants that specify attribute tags. For example, the following code sets up two attributes—flushness (kATSULineFlushFactorTag) and justification (kATSULineJustificationFactorTag):

    ATSUAttributeTag  theTags[] =  {kATSULineFlushFactorTag,
    ByteCount   theSizes[] = {sizeof(Fract), sizeof(Fract)};
    Fract   myFlushFactor = kATSUStartAlignment;
    Fract   myJustFactor = kATSUFullJustification;
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&myFlushFactor, &myJustFactor};

    See Line and Layout Attributes for more information on the attribute tags available in ATSUI.

  4. Associate the line and layout attributes with the text layout object by calling the function ATSUSetLayoutControls.

    For example:

    status = ATSUSetLayoutControls (myTextLayout,

You can also create a text layout object by calling the function ATSUCreateAndCopyTextLayout. This function is useful if you want all text layout objects in your application to use the same line and layout attributes. After you have created the new text layout object, you can call the function ATSUSetTextPointerLocation to associate the new text layout object with the appropriate block of text.

Determining Paragraphs in a Unicode Text Block

This section shows you how to find a paragraph within a block of Unicode text. Although determining paragraphs is not a task that uses ATSUI functions, breaking a block of text into paragraph-sized chunks is important if you want to use ATSUI efficiently. Once the text is broken into paragraphs, you can create a text layout object for each paragraph.

To find a paragraph, you can write code that performs steps similar to the following:

  1. Define Unicode characters that act as paragraph separators. Exactly what you choose to define as a paragraph separator depends on the needs of your specific application. For example, these five character sequences can be used to separate paragraphs:

    • ASCII newline '\n'

    • ASCII return '\r'

    • ASCII return followed by ASCII newline

    • Unicode line separator

    • Unicode paragraph separator

  2. Iterate through the block of text until you find a paragraph separator.

The code in Listing 3-2 shows a MyFindParagraph function that takes a block of Unicode text, the total length of the text block, and an offset into the text. The function finds the next paragraph separator and returns whether or not the function reached the end of the text block. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-2  A function to find a paragraph in a block of Unicode text

Boolean MyFindParagraph (UniChar *theText,
                    UniCharCount theTextLength,
                    UniCharArrayOffset paragraphStart,
                    UniCharArrayOffset *paragraphEnd)
    UniChar         CR   = 0x000D;  // 1
    UniChar         LF   = 0x000A;  // 2
    UniChar         LSEP = 0x2028;  // 3
    UniChar         PSEP = 0x2029;  // 4
    UniChar         NL   = 0x0085;// 5
    UniCharCount    currentPosition;
    UniChar         currentChar;
    Boolean         endOfText = false;
    if (theText == NULL) // 6
        *paragraphEnd = 0;
        return true;
    for (currentPosition=paragraphStart; (currentPosition < theTextLength);
                                currentPosition++) // 7
        currentChar = theText[currentPosition];
        if ( (currentChar == PSEP) || (currentChar ==  LSEP) ||
                            (currentChar ==  LF) || (currentChar ==  NL))
        if ( currentChar == CR )
            if ( currentPosition < (theTextLength - 1) )
                if ( theText[currentPosition + 1] == LF ) // 8
    if (currentPosition == theTextLength)
                    currentPosition--;// 9
    if (currentPosition == (theTextLength - 1))
                    endOfText = true;// 10
    *paragraphEnd = currentPosition + 1;// 11
    return endOfText;// 12

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Declares a variable to represent the ASCII return character.

  2. Declares a variable to represent the ASCII newline character.

  3. Declares a variable to represent the Unicode line separator character.

  4. Declares a variable to represent the Unicode paragraph separator character.

  5. Declares a variable to represent the Unicode next line character that is a C1 control used by XML for line breaks.

  6. Checks to see if there is text to process. If the pointer is NULL, returns from the function.

  7. Iterates through the block of text until it finds a character sequence that indicates the end of a paragraph.

  8. Treats the ASCII new line and ASCII return combination as if it were a single entity, by advancing through the text buffer accordingly.

  9. Checks for the special case of reaching the end of the text without finding a paragraph. In this case, the current position must be decremented by one.

  10. Checks to see if it reached the end of the text buffer.

  11. Returns the position just after the end of the paragraph. This position is returned because an ATSUI-style offset is between array elements (an edge offset). See Typography Concepts for information on edge offsets in ATSUI.

  12. Returns a Boolean value to indicate whether the end of text was reached (true) or not (false).

Drawing Horizontal Text

Drawing text is easy once you have created a text layout object and associated text with the object. You call the function ATSUDrawText, as shown in the following code:

ATSUDrawText (myTextLayout,

The function ATSUDrawText take five parameters:

Drawing Text Using a Quartz Context

With Mac OS X version 10.2, ATSUI renders text through Quartz, even if you do not attach a CGContext to a text layout object. In this default case, ATSUI retrieves the internal canonical CGContext of the current port, and renders to that port using Quartz at an anti-aliasing setting that simulates QuickDraw rendering. That is, a 4-bit pixel-aligned anti-aliasing. With this method of rendering, the origins of the glyphs always fall on integer positions and can lead to less-than-ideal glyph placements even after ATSUI makes fine adjustments to the integer positioning. This section shows you how to you set up ATSUI to instead use an 8-bit, subpixel rendering. Using this method of rendering, glyph origins are positioned on fractional points, resulting in superior rendering compared to ATSUI’s default 4-bit pixel-aligned rendering.

To set up ATSUI to use an 8-bit, subpixel rendering through Quartz, you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Set up a Quartz context (CGContext) for your application by using the QuickDraw function QDBeginCGContext. When you are done using the CGContext, you must call the function QDEndCGContext.

    You need to call the function QDBeginCGContext only once in your application, as you should use the same CGContext until all drawing is completed.

  2. Set the Quartz context as a layout attribute for the text layout object whose text you want to draw, using the tag kATSUCGContextTag, and by calling the function ATSUSetLayoutControls.

    For example, if you already set up a Quartz context named myCGContext, you use the following code to set the Quartz context as an attribute of a text layout object (myTextLayout) you created previously:

    ATSUAttributeTag        theTags[0] = kATSUCGContextTag;
    ByteCount               theSizes[0] = sizeof (CGContextRef);
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr   theValues[] = &myCGContext;
    ATSUSetLayoutControls (myTextLayout,

When you use Quartz with ATSUI, you can use all the effects available through Quartz 2D. You can rotate the Quartz context to achieve a number of effects, such as the angled text as shown in Figure 3-1 and the rotated text shown in Figure 3-2.

Listing 3-3 shows the code necessary to draw rotated text using Quartz 2D. First, you call the Quartz 2D function CGContextRotateCTM to rotate the Quartz context by a specified angle. Then, when you call the function ATSUDrawText, the text is drawn into the rotated context. The text appears on the screen when you call the function CGContextFlush.

Figure 3-1  Text drawn at an angle
Text drawn at an angle

Listing 3-3  Using a Quartz context to rotate text

CGContextRotateCTM (myCGContext, myAngle);
ATSUDrawText (myTextLayout,
CGContextFlush (myCGContext);
Figure 3-2  Rotated text
Rotated text

Drawing Equations

Drawing scientific and mathematical equations often requires drawing subscripts and superscripts, such as those shown in Figure 3-3. You can draw characters as subscripts or a superscripts by applying the tag kATSUCrossStreamShiftTag to the characters. For horizontal text, a positive cross-stream value shifts a glyph upwards, whereas a negative cross-stream value shifts a glyph downwards. You also need to adjust the font size of the subscripts and superscripts appropriately, as these characters are usually drawn with a smaller font size than that used for the main characters of the equation.

Figure 3-3  A scientific equation drawn by adjusting cross-stream shift values
A scientific equation drawn by adjusting cross-stream shift values

You can create styles for subscripts and superscripts when your application launches, and use the styles whenever you need to draw an equation. You need to perform the following steps to set up subscript and superscript styles:

  1. Allocate space for the ATSUI style objects.

    The subscript and superscript styles are based on a default style object.

    ATSUStyle       myDefaultStyle.
  2. Create and set attributes for the default style.

    As for any style, you must set up a triple (tag, size, value) for each attribute and call the function ATSUSetAttributes to apply the attributes to the style.

    ATSUCreateStyle (&myDefaultStyle);
    ATSUAttributeTag  theTags[] =  {kATSUSizeTag, kATSUQDItalicTag};
    ByteCount theSizes[] = {sizeof (Fixed), sizeof (Boolean)};
    Fixed       myFontSize = Long2Fix (myDefaultSize);
    Boolean     isItalic = FALSE;
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&myFontSize, &isItalic};
    status = ATSUSetAttributes (gDefaultStyle, 2,
                                theTags, theSizes, theValues);
  3. Create and set attributes for the subscript style.

    ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle (myDefaultStyle, &mySubScriptStyle);
    ATSUAttributeTag  theTags[] =  { kATSUSizeTag,
    ByteCount theSizes[] = {sizeof(Fixed),
    Fixed    mySubScriptSize = Long2Fix (myDefaultSize - 2);
    Fixed    mySubScriptShift = Long2Fix (-6);
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&mySubScriptSize,
    status = ATSUSetAttributes (mySubScriptStyle, 2,
                                theTags, theSizes, theValues);
  4. Create and set attributes for the superscript style.

    ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle (myDefaultStyle, &mySuperScriptStyle);
    ATSUAttributeTag  theTags[] =  { kATSUSizeTag,
    ByteCount theSizes[] = {sizeof(Fixed), sizeof(Fixed)};
    Fixed    mySuperScriptSize = Long2Fix (myDefaultSize - 2);
    Fixed    mySuperScriptShift = Long2Fix (6);
    ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] = {&mySuperScriptSize,
    status = ATSUSetAttributes (mySuperScriptStyle, 2,
                                theTags, theSizes, theValues);

You should keep these styles around as long as you need them. Style objects are independent of text; you can use them over and over.

You can apply the subscript and superscript styles to the appropriate characters in an equation by following these steps:

  1. Create a text layout object for the equation text.

    Use the default style on the entire text string to create the text layout object.

    length = sizeof(myPhysicsEquation)/sizeof(UniChar);
    status = ATSUCreateTextLayoutWithTextPtr ((UniChar*) myPhysicsEquation,
  2. You may need to set up transient font matching to assure that the glyphs in the equation are rendered appropriately.

    status = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching (myEquationLayout, true);
  3. Set the subscript and superscript styles.

    You apply the subscript and superscript styles to the appropriate characters by calling the function ATSUSetRunStyle. You must specify the starting character to which the style applies and specify the number of characters in the style run.

    status = ATSUSetRunStyle (myEquationLayout,
     status = ATSUSetRunStyle (myEquationLayout,
  4. Draw the equation.

    ATSUDrawText (myEquationLayout,
                    Long2Fix (myXPenLocation),
                    Long2Fix (myYPenLocation));

Drawing Vertical Text

If you want to draw text vertically—for example Chinese, Japanese, or Korean text—you must set up ATSUI to use vertical forms of the glyphs and rotate the line. The vertical form of a glyph is a style attribute; whereas line rotation is a line and layout attribute. If you simply rotate a line without also setting up ATSUI to use vertical forms of the glyphs, you get a result similar to that shown in Figure 3-4. If you use vertical forms of the glyphs and then rotate the line, you get results similar to that shown in Figure 3-5. Compare the glyphs in the center of the third column in Figure 3-5 with Figure 3-4 to see the effect of rotating both the glyphs and the line.

Figure 3-4  A rotated line of text that does not use vertical forms of the glyphs
A rotated line of text that does not use vertical forms of the glyphs
Figure 3-5  A rotated line of text that uses vertical forms of the glyphs
A rotated line of text that uses vertical forms of the glyphs

To draw vertical text (rotated line and rotated glyphs), perform the following steps:

  1. Create a style object and set it to use vertical forms.

    You can base this style object on a default style object that you’ve already created for your application.

    As for any style, you must set up a triple (tag, size, value) for each attribute and call the function ATSUSetAttributes to apply the attributes to the style.

    ATSUCreateAndCopyStyle(myDefaultStyle, &myVerticalStyle);
    ATSUVerticalCharacterType verticalType = kATSUStronglyVertical;
    theTags[0] = kATSUVerticalCharacterTag;
    theSizes[0] = sizeof (ATSUVerticalCharacterType);
    theValues[0] = &verticalType;
    ATSUSetAttributes (myVerticalStyle, 1,
                        theTags, theSizes, theValues);
  2. Rotate the line by setting line rotation as a layout attribute.

    As for any line or layout attribute, you must set up a triple (tag, size, value) for each attribute and call the function ATSUSetLayoutControls to apply the attributes to the text layout object.

                    (UniChar *) myTextString,
    Fixed myAngleToRotateText = FloatToFixed (-90.0); // degrees
    theTags[0] = kATSULineRotationTag;
    theSizes[0] = sizeof (Fixed);
    theValues[0] = &myAngleToRotateText;
    ATSUSetLayoutControls (myTextLayout, 1,
                            theTags, theSizes, theValuePtrs);
  3. Draw the text.

    ATSUDrawText (myTextLayout,
                    Long2Fix (myXPenLocation),
                    Long2Fix (myYPenLocation));

Breaking Lines

ATSUI provides two functions for calculating and setting soft line breaks programmatically: ATSUBreakLine and ATSUBatchBreakLines. Calling the function ATSUBatchBreakLines is equivalent to repeatedly calling the function ATSUBreakLine, as shown in Listing 3-4. It’s preferable that you use ATSUBatchBreakLines because this function performs more efficiently than repeated calls to ATSUBreakLine.

The code fragment in Listing 3-4 compares batch line breaking to calculating breaks on a line-by-line basis. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing. If you’ve used the ATSUBreakLine function before, you’ll see that replacing it with ATSUBatchBreakLines reduces your code by a few lines and improves the performance of your application.

Listing 3-4  A code fragment that performs line breaking

ATSUTextLayout       myTextLayout;
Fixed                myLineBreakWidth;
ItemCount            myNumSoftBreaks;
UniCharCount         myTextLength;
UniCharArrayOffset   *mySoftBreaks,
                     myStarting Offset,
 /* Insert your code to set up the text layout object
    ATSUBatchBreakLines (myTextLayout,
                            &myNumSoftBreaks);// 2
    myCurrentStart = myStartingOffset;// 3
    myCurrentEnd = myTextLength;
        status = ATSUBreakLine (myTextLayout,
                            &myCurrentEnd);// 4
        myCurrentStart = myCurrentEnd;
    } while (myCurrentEnd < myTextLength);
ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks (myTextLayout,
            0, NULL, &myNumSoftBreaks);// 5
mySoftBreaks = (UniCharArrayOffset *) malloc(myNumSoftBreaks *
                     sizeof(UniCharArrayOffset));// 6
ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks (myTextLayout,
            myNumSoftBreaks, mySoftBreaks, &myNumSoftBreaks);// 7
 // Insert your code here to loop over all the soft breaks and draw them
free (mySoftBreaks);// 8

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Checks to see if batch line breaking should be used. This code is here only to illustrate the difference between batch line breaking and using the older function ATSUBreakLine.

  2. Calls the function ATSUBatchBreakLines. You must supply the text layout object that is associated with the text you want to process. You must also supply a starting offset, the length of the text, and a line width. ATSUI returns the number of soft breaks that are calculated.

  3. If batch line breaking isn’t used, sets up variables for the starting and ending offsets of the text for which you want to calculate line breaks.

  4. Calls the function ATSUBreakLine to calculate line breaks. The parameter iUseAsSoftLineBreak is set to true to indicate that ATSUI should automatically set the line break to the value returned by the oLineBreak parameter (myCurrentEnd). You must also provide as parameters the first character of the text range associated with the text layout object and the line width.

  5. Calls the function ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks to obtain the number of soft line breaks calculated by ATSUI. This is a function you typically call twice. The first time, pass NULL for the oBreaks parameter to obtain the number of line breaks. Then, allocate memory for the line break array and call the function again to obtain the array, as shown in the next two steps.

  6. Allocates the appropriate amount of memory for the line break array.

  7. Calls the function ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks a second time, but this time passes an array of the appropriate size. On output, the array contains offsets from the beginning of the text buffer to each of the soft line breaks in the text range.

  8. Frees the previously allocated memory.

Although it is possible for you to set soft line breaks instead of letting ATSUI do it for you (by passing false for the parameter iUseAsSoftLineBreak), you shouldn’t do so unless it is absolutely necessary. See Flowing Text Around a Graphic for an example of using the function ATSUBreakLine to set line breaks.

Measuring Text

The trick with measuring text is to choose the appropriate function to obtain text measurements. In most cases, an application needs to obtain the typographic bounds of a line of text after final layout. After-layout typographic bounds take into account rotation and other layout attributes that have been applied to the line. If these are the measurements you need, call the function ATSUGetGlyphBounds. See Flowing Text Around a Graphic for an example of how the function ATSUGetGlyphBounds is used to get ascent and descent values. The obtained values are then used to set pen location prior to drawing a line of text.

In rare cases, an application may need to obtain the typographic bounds of a line of text prior to final layout. For example, before–justification/alignment typographic bounds can be used when you need to determine your own line breaks or the leading and line space to impose on a line. Before–justification/alignment typographic bounds ignore any previously–set line attributes such as line rotation, alignment, justification, ascent, and descent. If you need before–justification/alignment measurements, call the function ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds.

For more information on typographic bounds, see Text Measurements. See Inside Mac OS X: ATSUI Reference for documentation on the functions ATSUGetGlyphBounds and ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds.

Calculating Line Height

Your application needs to space lines appropriately when it draws text. When you calculate line spacing, you should use the ascent, descent, and leading values. (Line height = ascent + descent + leading) The line/layout descent value combines the font’s descent and leading values, as both values refer to measurements below the baseline.

You can use either of these two functions to determine line height:

A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-5  Calculating line height in Mac OS X version 10.2

ATSUTextLayout          myTextLayout;
ATSUTextMeasurement     myAscent, myDescent;
ByteCount               actualSize;
UniCharArrayOffset      myStartingOffset;// 1
// Your code to set up the text layout object and associate it with with
// text
ATSUGetLineControl (myTextLayout,
                    sizeof (ATSUTextMeasurement),
                    &actualSize);// 2
ATSUGetLineControl (myTextLayout,
                    &actualSize);// 3

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Declares the variable myStartingOffset. The value of this variable should be the offset that corresponds to the beginning of the line you want to measure. You can obtain the starting offset by calling the function ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks to obtain all the soft line breaks set for the text you want to render. The offset for each soft line break also denotes the starting offset for a line. See Breaking Lines for information on getting soft line breaks.

  2. Calls the function ATSUGetLineControl to obtain the ascent for the line whose starting offset is specified by the myStartingOffset value. You must pass the kATSULineAscentTag attribute tag to specify that you want to obtain the line ascent. On output, the myAscent parameter contains the line ascent value, and the actualSize parameter points to the size in bytes of the attribute value.

  3. Calls the function ATSUGetLineControl to obtain the descent for the line whose starting offset is specified by the myStartingOffset value. You must pass the kATSULineDescentTag attribute tag to specify that you want to obtain the line descent. On output, the myDescent parameter contains a value that is the line descent plus the leading, and the actualSize parameter points to the size in bytes of the attribute value.

Listing 3-6  Calculating line height in Mac OS 8, Mac OS 9, and CarbonLib

ATSUTextLayout          myTextLayout;
ATSUTextMeasurement     myAscent, myDescent;
UniCharArrayOffset      myStartingOffset; // 1
UniCharCount            myLineLength // 2
ATSTrapezoid            theBounds;
ItemCount               numBounds;
// Your code to set up the text layout object and associate it with text
ATSUGetGlyphBounds (myTextLayout,
                    &numBounds); // 3
myAscent = - theBounds.upperLeft.y; // 4
myDescent = theBounds.lowerLeft.y; // 5

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Declares the variable myStartingOffset. The value of this variable should be the offset that corresponds to the beginning of the line you want to measure. You can obtain the starting offset by calling the function ATSUGetSoftLineBreaks to obtain all the soft line breaks set for the text you want to render. The offset for each soft line break also denotes the starting offset for a line. See Breaking Lines for information on getting soft line breaks.

  2. Declares the variable myLineLength. The value of this variable should be the length of the line you want to measure. You can obtain the line length by subtracting the starting offset for the line you want to measure from the starting offset for the next line in the text layout.

  3. Calls the function ATSUGetGlyphBounds to obtain the typographic bounds of a line of glyphs after the final layout. On output, theBounds points to an ATSTrapezoid structure that contains the line ascent and descent values. When you call this function on an entire line, only one trapezoid is returned.

  4. Extracts the ascent value from the trapezoid returned by the function ATSUGetGlyphBounds.

  5. Extracts the descent value from the trapezoid returned by the function ATSUGetGlyphBounds. The theBounds.lowerLeft.y value is the sum of the descent and the leading values.

Flowing Text Around a Graphic

This section shows you how to embed a graphic in text by flowing text around it, as shown in Figure 3-6. To flow text around a graphic, you use one text layout object per paragraph, then vary the width of the lines in the text layout object so the text flows around the graphic appropriately.

Figure 3-6  Text flowed around a graphic
Text flowed around a graphic

The following steps outline what you must do for each paragraph of text for which you want to flow text around a graphic. The steps assume that you have already set up a text layout object for each paragraph of text and that you obtained the coordinates of the image around which you need to flow text.

  1. Determine the current line breaking width. It should be the full line width, the line width for lines on the left side of the image, or the line width for lines on the right side of the image.

  2. Set the line width as part of the line attributes for the text layout object.

  3. Measure the text to get the ascent and descent of the laid-out line. You need the ascent and the descent to calculate the y-coordinate of the pen position.

  4. Set the x and y coordinates of the pen position. If you are drawing a full-width line or a line that is on the left side of the image, you should use the left-side margin value for the x-coordinate.

    If you are drawing a line that is on the right side of the image, you should use the value calculated for the x-coordinate of the right side of the image plus any whitespace you want between the image and the text.

    You also need to set the y-coordinate. Make sure you transform the y-coordinate appropriately if you are using Quartz 2D.

  5. Check to see if the text will collide with the image; if not, draw the text.

  6. Prepare to draw the next line by adjusting variables accordingly. For example, if you’ve just drawn a line of text that does not flow around the graphic, then you need to adjust the coordinates of the pen location. If you’ve just drawn a line of text on the left side of the graphic, you need to adjust only the x-coordinate of the pen location so the second part of the line starts just right of the graphic, and so forth.

Figure 3-7 shows the variables you need to define before you write the code that flows a paragraph a text around an image. These are the variables:

Figure 3-7  Variables needed for line breaking
Variables needed for line breaking

Once you have defined these variables, implementing the code that carries out the six steps outlined previously is fairly straightforward. The code in Listing 3-7 shows sample code that draws one paragraph of text. This code is a loop that iterates through one paragraph of text, using the same text layout object throughout. In the context of an application, this code would be part of a routine to draw a page of text. You can download the sample application ATSUILineBreak from to see how the code in Listing 3-7 works in the context of a complete application.

As you look through the sample code in Listing 3-7, keep the following caveats in mind:

A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code follows the listing. Note that the variable declarations are not shown in Listing 3-7. These variables must be declared prior to the start of the loop, as part of the page drawing routine.

Listing 3-7  Code that flows text around a graphic

do// 1
    if (myFlowTextAroundGraphics) // 2
        myCurrentLineBreakWidth = (myRightSide) ? myRightSideLineWidth :
         myCurrentLineBreakWidth = myFullLineBreakWidth;
    verify_noerr (status);
    theTags[0] = kATSULineWidthTag;// 3
    mySizes[0] = (ByteCount) sizeof(Fixed);
    myValues[0] = (ATSUAttributeValuePtr) &myCurrentLineBreakWidth;
    status = ATSUClearLineControls myLayout, myCurrentStart, 1, myTags);    // 4
    status = ATSUSetLineControls (myLayout,
                            myCurrentStart, 1,
                            myTags, mySizes, myValues);// 5
    require_noerr (status, CleanUpAndExit);
    if (mySetManualSoftBreaks) // 6
        status = ATSUBreakLine (myLayout,
        require (((status == noErr) || (status == kATSULineBreakInWord)),
        status = ATSUSetSoftLineBreak (myLayout, myCurrentEnd);
        require_noerr (status, CleanUpAndExit);
        status = ATSUBreakLine (myLayout,
                            myCurrentLineBreakWidth, true,
        require (((status == noErr) || (status == kATSULineBreakInWord)),
                                     CleanUpAndExit );
    status = ATSUGetGlyphBounds (myLayout, 0, 0,
                            myCurrentEnd - myCurrentStart,
                            kATSUseDeviceOrigins, 1,
                            &myNumGlyphBounds);// 7
    require_noerr (status, CleanUpAndExit);
    myAscent = 0 - myGlyphBounds.upperLeft.y;// 8
    myDescent = myGlyphBounds.lowerLeft.y;// 9
    if (myFlowTextAroundGraphics) // 10
        if (myRightSide)
            penX = myRightSideBoxRect;
            penX = Long2Fix (theMargin.left);
            if (firstWrappedLine)
                firstWrappedLine = false;
                penY += myAscent;
        penX = Long2Fix (theMargin.left);
        penY += myAscent;
    CGawarePenY = (myUseQuartzContext ) ? Long2Fix (thePortBounds.bottom -
                                            Fix2X(penY)) : penY;                                                                    // 11
    if (! myBoxRectCleared) // 12
        if (! myFlowTextAroundGraphics)
            if ((penY + myDescent) > myBoxRectTop)
                myFlowTextAroundGraphics = true;
                firstWrappedLine = true;
                myRightSide = false;
    endOfPage = ((penY + myDescent) > pageBoundary) ? true : false;// 13
    require_noerr (status, CleanUpAndExit);
    if (! endOfPage) // 14
        status = ATSUDrawText (myLayout,
                                myCurrentEnd - myCurrentStart,
        require_noerr (status, CleanUpAndExit);
    if (myFlowTextAroundGraphics) // 15
        if (myRightSide)
            penY += myDescent;
            secondHalf = false;
            if (penY > myBoxRectBottom)
                 myFlowTextAroundGraphics = false;
                 myBoxRectCleared = true;
            if (myCurrentEnd >= myCurrentLength)
                if (penY > myBoxRectBottom)
                    myFlowTextAroundGraphics = false;
                    myBoxRectCleared = true;
             myRightSide = true;
    else // 16
        penY += myDescent;
        myCurrentStart = myCurrentEnd;
} while ((myCurrentStart < myCurrentLength) && (!endOfPage)) ; // 17

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Begins the paragraph loop. Each pass through the loop processes a line of text in the paragraph.

  2. Checks to see if the text should flow around a graphic. On entering the loop, the myFlowTextAroundGraphics variable has a value of false, as the first line should be drawn over the graphic.

    For the case in which the text should flow around a graphic, checks to see if the line is on the right side, then sets the line width accordingly.

    For the case in which the text should not flow around a graphic, sets the line width to the full line length.

  3. Sets up a triple (attribute tag, size, value) for the line width attribute.

  4. Calls the ATSUI function ATSUClearLineControls to clear the line width attribute set previously. The variable myCurrentStart is the offset that specifies the start of the current line in the text buffer associated with the text layout object myLayout.

  5. Calls the ATSUI function ATSUSetLineControls to set the line width attribute to the value of the current line width that was set in step 2.

  6. Checks to see if manual soft line breaks are to be used.

    If manual soft line breaks are to be used, calls the ASTUI function ATSUBreakLine with the iUseAsSoftLineBreak parameter set to false. The code then calls the ATSUI function ATSUSetSoftLineBreak to set a soft line break using the value returned in the previous call to the function ATSUBreakLine. In most cases you should not use manual soft line breaks. If you choose to set line breaks yourself, then you must make sure you unset any line breaks that have already been set by ATSUI.

    If manual soft line breaks are not to be used, calls the ATSUI function ATSUSetSoftLineBreak to set a soft line break using the value returned in the previous call to the function ATSUBreakLine.

  7. Calls the ATSUI function ATSUGetGlyphBounds to obtain the ascent and descent of the laid-out line. These values are returned in the parameter myGlyphBounds.

  8. Calculates the ascent value and assigns it to the variable myAscent.

  9. Assigns the descent value to the variable myDecent.

  10. Checks to see if the text should flow around a graphic.

    If the text should flow around a graphic and if the text is to be drawn on the right side of the graphic, sets the x-coordinate of the pen location to the right of the image. There is no need to set the y-coordinate of the pen location, as it should be the same as that used to draw the line on the left side of the graphic.

    If the text should flow around a graphic and if the text is to be drawn on the left side of the graphic, sets the x-coordinate of the pen location to the left margin and sets the y-coordinate accordingly. If this is the first line of the page, you do not need to set the y-coordinate for the pen location, as it is correct when the loop is first entered.

    If the text does not flow around a graphic, sets the x-coordinate of the pen location to the left margin and increments the y-coordinate of the pen to take the ascent of the line into account.

  11. If the text is drawn using a Quartz context, adjusts the value of the y-coordinate to the pen location. Up to now, we’ve been using QuickDraw coordinates. Quartz coordinates have their origin (0,0) in the lower-left corner rather than the upper-left corner as QuickDraw does.

  12. If the text is not clear of the box rectangle and if the text does not flow around the graphic, checks to see if the y-coordinate of the pen location added to the descent is greater than the location of the top of the image. If so, sets the variable myFlowTextAroundGraphics to true, sets the variable firstWrappedLine to true, sets the myRightSide variable to false. This is the case in which there is text on the left side of the graphic, but not on the right side.

  13. Checks to see if the end of the page has been reached, and exits if it has.

  14. If the end of the page has not been reached, calls the ATSUI function ATSUDrawText to draw the line of text in the current pen location.

  15. Checks to see if the text should flow around a graphic.

    If the text should flow around a graphic, and if the line is on the right-side of the graphic, sets the y-coordinate of the pen location to take into account the descent of the line that was just drawn. This is in preparation for the next pass through the loop. Sets the myRightSide variable to false.

    If the text should flow around a graphic, and if the line is on the left side of the graphic, checks to see if the current end of the line is greater than or equal to the current length of the line.

    If the current end of the line is greater than or equal to the current length of the line, checks to see if the y-coordinate of the pen location is greater than the y-coordinate of the bottom of the box. If it is, sets the variable myFlowTextAroundGraphics to false and sets the variable myBoxRectCleared to true. The next time though the loop, the full line width will be used.

    If the line is on the left side of the graphic, sets the variable myRightSide to true, in preparation for the next trip through the loop.

  16. If the text does not flow around the graphics, sets the y-coordinate of the pen location to take the descent of the line into account. Then sets the current starting offset to the ending offset in preparation to draw the next line of text.

  17. Checks to see if the paragraph or the end of the page has been reached. If so, the paragraph loop terminates.

Setting Up a Tab Ruler

Support for tabs is available starting in Mac OS X version 10.2. You can set up a tab ruler for a text layout object by specifying an array of tab values and passing this array as a parameter to the function ATSUSetTabArray. When a tab ruler is set for a text layout object, ATSUI automatically aligns text such that any tabs in the text are laid out to follow the settings specified by the tab ruler.

There are three types of tabs:

Listing 3-8 shows a code fragment that creates an array of tab values and then calls the function ATSUSetTabArray to set a tab ruler for a text layout object. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-8  Setting tab values for a text layout object

#define     MYTABCOUNT 20
#define     MYTABINCREMENT 50
Fixed       cumulative;
ATSUTab     myTabArray[MYTABCOUNT];
ATSUTextLayout  myTextLayout;
// Your code to create a text layout and associate it with a text buffer
cumulative = Long2Fix(0);// 1
for (i=0; i < MYTABCOUNT; i++) // 2
    cumulative += Long2Fix (MYTABINCREMENT);// 3
    myTabArray[i].tabType = kATSULeftTab;// 4
    myTabArray[i].tabPosition = cumulative;// 5
verify_noerr (ATSUSetTabArray (myTextLayout, myTabArray, TABCOUNT));// 6

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Initializes the cumulative variable to 0. This value must be a Fixed data type.

  2. Sets up a loop for the number of tabs.

  3. Increments the cumulative variable by a set amount.

  4. Assigns a tab position type to the tabType field of the tab array. A tab ruler can contain tabs of more than one type, even though this example uses only left tabs.

  5. Assigns a position value to the tabPosition field of the tab array. The tabs in the example are evenly spaced; tab spacing does not need to be even. Your code should assign tab values appropriate for your application.

  6. Calls the function ATSUSetTabArray to associate the array of tab values with the text layout object.

You can retrieve a previously set tab ruler by calling the function ATSUGetTabArray, as shown in Listing 3-9. A detailed explanation for each numbered line of code appears following the listing.

Listing 3-9  Obtaining an array of tab values

ATSUTab         *myGetTabArray;
ItemCount       myNumTabs;
verify_noerr (ATSUGetTabArray (myTextLayout, 0, NULL, &myNumTabs));// 1
myGetTabArray = (ATSUTab *) malloc(sizeof(ATSUTab) * myNumTabs);// 2
verify_noerr (ATSUGetTabArray (myTextLayout, myNumTabs,
                                myGetTabArray, &myNumTabs) );// 3
free(getTabArray);// 4

Here’s what the code does:

  1. Calls the function ATSUGetTabArray to obtain the number of tab values set for the text layout object. When you pass NULL as the tab array, ATSUI returns the number of tab values in the oTabCount (myNumTabs) parameter.

    The macro verify_noerr checks for errors that could be returned by ATSUGetTabArray.

  2. Calls the function malloc to allocate an array large enough to hold the tab values previously set for the text layout object.

  3. Calls the function ATSUGetTabArray to obtain the tab array to the text layout object.

  4. Calls the function free to dispose of the array when it is no longer needed.